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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Running 9 routes is part of every team's offense, if only to try eliminating a Safety from the rest of the coverage. There isn't a team in the NFL that (barring nasty weather) doesn't try to go deep on a streak route at least once or twice per game, just to keep the defense honest. If Donald Jones (our new fastest receiver) can't consistently get a step on his CB, the team will suffer from losing Evans.
  2. Seriously, dude? He can't spell "division", but apparently you can't spell "know".
  3. As for the article, what a sickening thing to read about. As for the post...how exactly does one criminally insane person represent the downfall of our society?
  4. Nah, it's just TSW's version of rickrolling. Funnier too, if you ask me. Which you didn't. Journalists deal with facts. Tim's AFC East blog was concerned with some facts, but also rumors, speculation and insipid list-making. Read some of his by-lines in the News since he made the switch and the difference will be evident.
  5. Tim is back in print journalism at the Buffalo News, and apparently loving it. I say good for him. Espn.com might get a lot of hits but I bet that Tim considers himself a journalist, not a blogger, at heart.
  6. This, I believe, was Gilligan's plan all along. Five seasons. After watching so many other shows (Simpsons, Family Guy, Friends, CSI, etc...) stay past their welcome and go far past ripe, it's refreshing to see this sort of thing.
  7. The report also comes from a site called Fan Nation. I'd hazard to guess that's a few steps beneath Bleacher Report on the reliability scale. I'll believe it when I see it.
  8. Dufner clearly got the exact same incorrect read on the 17th hole both times, and a little extra adrenaline was probably what made the playoff version even worse. As a student of putting, I know that you have to trust your reads...but you also have to adapt, and Dufner failed to adapt. It ended up costing him the match, given that he was as clutch as possible both times on the 18th. I second that hope that he finds himself in a position to win again.
  9. Well deserved win for Bradley. For a tour rookie to make that many spectacular shots after triple-bogeying the 15th like that...brass balls. He's not so highly touted as McIlroy or Ishikawa, but I guarantee he's not a one-and-done. As for Dufner, it's got to sting. It wasn't such a monumental choke, because 15-18 were eating pretty much everybody alive. But there are certainly some shots that he'll replay in his nightmares.
  10. This turned out to be a hell of a tournament, even without the star power. Dufner and Bradley headed to a 3-hole aggregate playoff after a gutsy 2-putt from each on the 18th.
  11. The only minor controversy during Lee's tenure were comments in support of Losman after Edwards had been named the starter. Other than that, not a peep. That writer seems to be talking out of his ass.
  12. It appears as if we're headed for 14 straight majors with 14 different winners. The sport certainly needs its next big thing to come soon.
  13. Right, but what I'm asking is, is there any solid evidence that he was taking drugs in the first place? I realize Tiger has entered the "Tyson Zone" where you'd believe anything and everything about him, but how can we be sure he was on PEDs? Has there been a precipitous drop in his distance that can't be explained by the reduction in torque from his ACL injury?
  14. My thoughts on PEDs and golf...aside from adding 15-20 yards of driving distance, how exactly would steroids or human growth hormone help a golfer become a champion? As a golfer myself, there aren't too many occasions during a round where raw strength is your greatest advantage.
  15. I'll take an episode of South Park over a non-Bills preseason game every time.
  16. I think I have what it takes. For example, I'm still winning.
  17. It is sad to watch such a quick downward spiral. Hopefully one of the young promising golfers in the game today will be able to take Tiger's place, though it's doubtful we'll see anything like the dominance we saw early in Tiger's career. For several years, it was Tiger vs. The Field, and that's no exaggeration. Interestingly enough, one of the pseudo-successors to Tiger's throne, Ryo Ishikawa, imploded for a +15 in the opening round. He's still very very young, though.
  18. Is this the death knell for Tiger's career?
  19. Don't you pay attention to this board? Maybin uses twitter, ergo no heart.
  20. Favorite - Gus Johnson. He just makes sports fun. I'll gladly make time to watch a Week 13 matchup between the Bengals and Rams if GJ is calling it. Least Favorite - Kevin Harlan. Just grating.
  21. And then the guy says, "No. My name is Dick Jauron." He then proceeds to take the magazine to his car and masturbate to defensive back ratings.
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