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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Why do black QBs only get compared to other black QBs? What, aside from a strong arm and playing in the SEC, do Newton and Russell have in common?
  2. It's true though. I don't know if I've spoken to a single member of my generation who watches the talk/variety shows with regularity. Then again, I wonder what the networks could put on at 11:30 PM that people actually WOULD watch?
  3. To each his own, but shows of that persuasion are just becoming more and more irrelevant. When the baby boomers get too old to stay up past 9, they'll disappear entirely.
  4. Ignoring all the douche nozzle stuff on the account, the guy still uses MYSPACE?
  5. Pat Moran used to sing baritone in a barbershop quartet in Skokie, Illinois.
  6. Is Delonte West qualified to work at Home Depot? I'm sure he's a very important person in his own mind, but off the basketball court he's just another idiot criminal. If I'm a manager, I don't want that guy under my employ.
  7. Pat Moran is reporting that we will finish 9-7, and that we can torture his family with a soldering iron if he's incorrect.
  8. Kelly Holcomb is coming back maybe? I like how Moran "apologizes" for the tease, and then teases us anyway. What a guy.
  9. Imagine how big of a story this would be if it were the Patriots and Jets getting colluded against, instead of the Bills and Bengals.
  10. Love it. When Williams, Merriman and Dareus knock Sanchez out, Kyle should be the one who gets to teabag him.
  11. Don't get me wrong, OCin. It seems as if you know your stuff a lot of the time. It also seems as if you're convinced you know everything and that any contrary opinion is invalid simply because it challenges your omniscience (I'm not talking specifically about this thread, by the way). When it comes to rare moments of legitimate conversation, you bring a good deal of knowledge and even a certain understated wit to the table. More often, though, you're preoccupied with writing mini-diatribes about how stupid other people are because they fail to comprehend the incontrovertible truth that you always seem to brilliantly recognize. That's the impression I get, anyway.
  12. I must have imagined it when Bobby April was passed over for Perry Fewell for the head coach job.
  13. I don't like bottle episodes in any series, so "Fly" definitely wasn't my favorite episode. I'd push through the boredom, though. The premiere of Season 4 is more than worth it.
  14. I don't think that RJ Mitte does a bad job, it's just that the character is irrelevant and poorly written (he doesn't have to be such a goody two-shoes just because he's disabled). To me, it's one of the only big mistakes the Breaking Bad brain trust made.
  15. I like liberals. Many have an incomplete approach at social issues and the economy, but I believe their heart is in the right (or left ) place. I think that our country is a better place for the mixture of the left and right, the mixture of idealism and pragmatism. As a society, it lends us the ability to run forward, while keeping our feet on the ground.
  16. I give Hank a 50/50 shot. He gets personally involved with his investigations, and that's a "live by the sword, die by the sword" type of practice. Another personal of theory of mine is that Walt Jr. or Holly (ok, maybe they wouldn't go that far) bite the dust, but Skyler lives.
  17. It's true. A lot of bad stuff happens out there, but a lot of good stuff too. If the media were inclined to report on positive items, it would outweigh the negative 10 to 1 or more. I think the best thing we can do is to make sure to be part of the solution. Leave our mark on the world by being as decent as possible. It won't fix all the bad stuff, but a collective effort of good can have an enormous impact. An example of a truly good man making a difference... http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7362328n
  18. You may be right about Roscoe. I personally think his talent is agility, not straight speed, so Jones may be a better option in this particular capacity. But we're yet to see if Jones is even an NFL WR, so who knows.
  19. Now that, sir, is a nice rant and I applaud you. Everybody goes for length in a rant, but there's something to be said for furious concision.
  20. Used to pass by that place every day headed to work after school. Always suspected it was a dive.
  21. Ok, I get what you're saying now. I definitely wasn't impressed by Evans' last two seasons, but I think he still had an intrinsic value to the offense that now has to be replaced. He wasn't double covered on every single play, but he was a big distraction in the secondary even when not producing numbers. Is there a player on the roster that can fill that role? We'll see. If there's no drop-off in our vertical capabilities, then I officially applaud the trade.
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