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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. My contention, though, is that many people have forgiven his crimes simply because he's performed well on the gridiron, when it's really irrelevant. People like the story of his return to superstardom better than the story of whatever personal reformation he's accomplished. That's the only bone I'll pick at this point.
  2. No context. Think about it though. They say that first day of prison, you have to either kick a guy's ass or make him your B word if you want protection. First day! Knowing me, I'd be wiped out after orientation and whatever icebreaker games they have in prison. I wouldn't have the energy to not be somebody's B word.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUiTQvT0W_0&ob=av3e I'd !@#$ her. If I had a time machine.
  4. Your douchebaggery would be a lot more tolerable if you were as funny as you think you are.
  5. He isn't saying that. He's saying that, according to some, Nix and Gailey should have turned the Bills into a serious contender by now.
  6. http://scores.espn.go.com/nfl/boxscore?gameId=310827002
  7. Disregard my earlier post. After watching the replay a few times, I agree with you guys...at first blush, it appeared he was stretching the ball to celebrate and broke stride. I was wrong.
  8. I'll be vocally optimistic about the run D. Dareus doesn't get pushed around like DE's of years past and it looks like we finally have some linebackers (Barnett especially) who know how to perform gap assignments with competence.
  9. He can do whatever he wants after the TD is scored...almost surrendered the 6 points for the sake of strutting into the endzone, though. But, no harm no foul. I'm sure Chan gave him a quick word about it on the sideline. When you break off a route like that, it's tough not to strut I suppose.
  10. We shoulda signed Bryan Walters. http://cornellbigred.com/news/2011/8/12/FB_0812112009.aspx
  11. Jasper will probably consider it a nice tribute! I doubt he fits into too many clothes.
  12. I agree entirely. Can't fix everything at once. I was merely trying to explain the reason that fans seem so down. Typically, whatever has happened most recently sets the mood. Most recently, the offense has looked really really bad in the preseason. If the Bills orchestrate a long scoring drive to begin the game against the Chiefs, that will set the mood and nobody will even remember the preseason.
  13. Tons of people hated Lynch. He didn't deserve the level of vitriol he got from some fans, but he shot himself in the foot a few times. As for Evans, model citizen who most everybody liked.
  14. No, all free agents are players who don't currently have contracts.
  15. The biggest reason, though, has been the play of the first-team offense in the preseason. Everything you mentioned would have been forgiven had they looked even close to competent.
  16. Fair enough I suppose. You'd have to be pretty damn close to the field to have your specific voice not only heard by the players, but also heard distinctly from the thousands of other voices. Maybe it was a chant.
  17. Here's the thing, though...the opposing players only hear general noise levels, not specific words. Yelling "FREE NECK TIES IN THE LOBBY AFTER THE COMPLIMENTARY POTATO SALAD!" has about the same effect as yelling "!@#$ YOU, YOU kitty !@#$ !@#$ DICKBAG!!!" So how does swearing increase the intimidation factor? In fact, the best way to make noise on a big play for the opposing team is to pound on the seats and bleachers. And kids LOVE doing that. Family friendly doesn't mean placid. It just means not out of control.
  18. Gorillaz is barely a band IMO. They're less popular than Nickelback, Taylor Swift, Hannah Montana, Justin Bieber, even Rebecca Black.
  19. macaroni, Let's Go Yankees! But for the love of god, get that boy in a Jeter jersey!
  20. Expect some foul language, yes. But people take it to the extreme and use the sporting environment as a crutch while conveniently forgetting they're out in public. I was at a Bills-Raiders game and a Raiders fan was there with his daughter who was probably 10 or 11. She was dressed up in Raiders make up and all, and to any rational person it was kinda cute. To a couple of drunken idiots, though, she was public enemy #1 and they called her a "little B word" twice before the dad stood up and confronted them. Like most idiots who would pick on a little girl, they backed down. That's just one example of people going beyond just venting when it comes to cursing. There are plenty of others. Why should being at a football game make people forget they're still a part of humanity. Would anybody call an innocent 10 year old girl a little B word at the grocery store or the post office?
  21. I think people should use discretion. If there happens to be a young kid in the seat in front of you, just cool it off a little with the swearing. Not dropping F-bombs really shouldn't alter the game experience.
  22. Hopefully we can add drafting Dareus to the list of positives. Help me understand though...trading Evans is a negative before we see the results, but we aren't allowed to judge signing Merriman, Barnett and Morrison? Kinda seems like you're cherry picking.
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