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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Wait, are you saying that he overdid it at a wing-eating contest? I thought these guys ate like 7,000 calories a day anyway...
  2. Thanks for all the votes and replies, fellas. Seems like Freddie has the most vocal support but Fitzy is winning the ballot. Of course, you can't really argue against anybody after that game. Like I said, I'll be sure to post one of these polls after each victory (so hopefully 19 of them ). Maybe hard-fought losses too. If we look good and drop a tough game by a field goal, I see no problem in naming a recipient. I thought about making Chan an option on the poll but I think the concept of adding things up at the end of the season worked better if it was confined to the players on the field.
  3. I'll post one of these threads for every Bills win. Let's see who has the most game balls by season's end. My vote goes to Bryan Scott for yesterday. Probably his best game as a Bill.
  4. Yeah, but Pope barely missed that TD and they missed a FG too, so it balances out. 7 points seems about right for the effort.
  5. I'll bite. 1. Kyle Williams 2. Stevie Johnson 3. Eric Wood 4. Fred Jackson 5. Shawne Merriman 6. Rian Lindell 7. Marcell Dareus (at least, let's hope)
  6. What a terrible thing, RIP. Makes you think of the law of large numbers...how long will it be until we lose an entire MLB/NFL/NBA/NHl team to a plane crash?
  7. Your cut list includes about six or seven projected starters, friend.
  8. "Everybody kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals me from, whatever." What's it say about our society when this is the guy who gets to attend college for free?
  9. I agree with this, but I think he will do so as an investigative reporter.
  10. Maybe we can just let Kenya borrow Massachusetts for a while.
  11. Maybe it's just my bias, but I didn't see that as a T.O type of move (ie intentionally designed for publicity). I just think that Stevie wears his heart on his sleeve.
  12. No, my google skills are just fine. I read a few articles and the comments therein, so I've seen some of the vitriol. My question is...why? Why this? Thousands of people post incendiary content on blogs every day. You don't need to do too much searching to find some truly disturbing stuff (racist, misogynystic, creepy japanese hentai blogs, take your pick), stuff that people really do deserve to be raked over the coals for. But most of the time it doesn't blow up on the author like this. Seems like Ms. Berezna made a misguided attempt at humor. I think I speak for every other rational person...that wasn't very nice, but whatever. Of course, the internet is not a rational place so why try to apply rationality?
  13. I agree that the 49ers will suck, but I doubt that they'd be allowed to draft dolphins. They would need to build a water component to their home field, among other concerns.
  14. Well yeah, it wasn't very nice but I guess I'm missing the connection where this has become a big story. Is the Magic: The Gathering community really all that prevalent these days? They must be vocal if not prevalent. Suffice it to say I've seen plenty of flameable content online and this was pretty mild stuff.
  15. So she blogged about a bad date and made fun of a guy for being a nerd. It seemed sort of rude, but not particularly vicious or noteworthy. This is only a story because a bunch of other nerds had a conniption fit, right?
  16. 1) Stevie Johnson is Top 5 NFL in both yards and touchdowns. 2) Offensive Rookie of the Year is Rams tight end Lance Kendricks. 3) The Bills will be 2 minutes from clinching a playoff spot when Cthulu rises from Lake Erie and swallows Ralph Wilson Stadium whole.
  17. Why shouldn't Corto be on the team. As Ye Ole might say, he's THE WHIP on special teams. Great effort guy, cheap, makes smart plays. Why is the world black and white to you? Did you happen to notice the race of the ILBs who replaced Poz? As to age, no, there hasn't been significant regression. But even the best agent in the world couldn't get a Kyle Williams sized contract for a 30 year old RB whose numbers dropped across the board last year.
  18. Sorry, but Kyle Williams is more important to the team than Fred Jackson. I love Freddie, but there isn't such a thing as a 30 year old running back who represents the future of an NFL team. Kyle Williams, relative to the rest of the league at DT, is better than Fred Jackson, relative to the rest of the league at RB. And it's got nothing to do with race. Yeah, Jackson doesn't get paid accordingly to his play. But that has nothing to do with race! It has everything to do with the fact that when he signed a 4 year extension in 2009, FJ was a 28 year old backup RB who'd had 1.5 decent NFL seasons after a pedigree of Coe College and the Sioux City Bandits.
  19. Vick was in jail for 21 months, not several years. Not commenting on the sentence, just pointing that out.
  20. It is a wonder. That said, I give Gailey credit for admitting the mistake early on in the season. A lot of coaches' egos would have gotten in the way of making the switch to Fitz.
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