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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. If this is truly indicative of a real Wonderlic test, I weep for the stupidity of the average NFL player.
  2. I like how deferring allows you to strategize at the end of the first half.
  3. "Page not Found" If you're a review writer, my friend I just started up this website...shoot me a PM if you're interested in writing. http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/
  4. Losses will come this season. It's more than likely that the Bills will lose 2 or 3 in a row at some point. The issue is going to be how well they bounce back.
  5. Thanks for the tip. It's definitely best to write in such a way as to not build a barrier between yourself and the audience, so I see where you're coming from with the formality. I do watch Parks and Rec (better than it's sister show The Office, in my opinion). However, I invented the name Entertainment Bureau about 2 weeks before the Entertainment 720 episode, as I recall.
  6. There are plenty of vowels. There is a shortage on punctuation and syntax, though.
  7. I really appreciate the compliment, Dante. My biggest problem is being excessively verbose, but I was proud of the review. I'll probably end up linking to future articles in this thread if you're interested.
  8. Thanks, HopsGuy. I appreciate it. That's our first comment that doesn't appear to be from an Eastern European spambot (you gotta start somewhere).
  9. I like KW, but I wouldn't really call that a fantastic quote. Pretty standard sideline fare.
  10. And a shameless plug for the new entertainment website that my friend Jared and I have started. It's called Entertainment Bureau and it just launched yesterday. Right now it's pretty bare-bones with only 10 articles, but more content is coming very soon. Here's a review/meditation I wrote for the new Brad Pitt vehicle Moneyball. I want to eventually break into professional writing, so please let me know what you think of the article (you can leave a reply on the site) and explore the website a little too. Our mission statement is essentially to create an entertainment website where readers can submit content and collaborate to produce intelligent and thoughtful content. http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/walking-the-line-how-moneyball-succeeded/ We're also looking for writers. Please PM me for more info if you're at all interested in writing articles. This can be a regular weekly feature or a one-time shot at any opinion you'd like to express. Thanks for your time, guys. I realize LAMPs can be annoying, but I'm committed to getting this thing off the ground. Any support you can offer (leaving a comment on the site, reposting the link to other boards, etc. will really really help. I appreciate it. -Sage
  11. 17 would have been pathetic enough, but I believe they were actually 7-20 in September.
  12. Bills are 3-0. Yankees headed to the playoffs. Sabres look great and hockey actually has a chance of being notable this year without the NBA. This is sports nirvana, I believe.
  13. I trust that Walt will figure out some angle of attack. Remember what happened the last time he was a cornered animal?
  14. I was about 99.9999% sure that was gonna be Peter Pan guy.
  15. I apologize. I admittedly didn't see the post where you linked to Jalen Rose's quotes and I think we were talking about two different things. My mistake, and the problem you cite is a real one. I can't understand why education and pragmatic achievement are treated with derision from a large portion of the black community. For the record, I think Jalen was unfairly criticized for that whole flap. In using the term Uncle Tom, he was merely explaining his perspective as a misinformed 17 year old. That same 17 year old probably also would've thought of the 40 year old version of himself wearing a suit and tie and doing analysis for ESPN as an Uncle Tom.
  16. You're mistaking the issue. Probably intentionally, but I'll explain anyway. Nobody's looking down on anybody for being intelligent, it's the attitude that an articulate black man is a novelty that differs from a fictional norm of uneducated simpletons and thugs speaking in ebonics.
  17. Thanks, bartshan. I appreciate it. Point well considered on NO vs. BAL, but Baltimore has held a couple of opponents to single digits, so to me they're one of the only contenders who hasn't relied on shootouts to win.
  18. Got tired of reading ESPN's, so I took it into my own hands. Let me know what you think, also leave a comment on the blog if you feel inclined to do so. http://www.wvbr.com/sportsblog/794
  19. 95% of the US sports media is slobbering the Bills' knob, so why can't we stop beating the "No respect!" drum?
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