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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. If you believe in freedom of speech, why would you be outraged over ABC/ESPN exercising it?
  2. So what about all those other game-changing touchdowns he's scored over the last 20 games?
  3. Ok, an analogy is a type of comparison. Thanks for the semantics lesson. The point is that the subject of comparison was the meeting, not the man. If he had said "That would be like Elmer Fudd golfing with Bugs Bunny" would that be a statement comparing Obama to Elmer Fudd? Granted, I didn't see the follow-up comments, which are a little bit more incendiary. But like Tom said, it's !@#$ing Hank Williams Jr.!
  4. "There's certain things called civil liberties, which are limitations on democracy. Those aren't going so great, but the 1st amendment in this country, I think, is one of the few things that's left in this country that I think are among the greatest in the world." I'd have a lot more respect for these idiots if they just said "I have no !@#$ing clue what I'm talking about, but I enjoy it when people pay attention to me."
  5. In response to the post's title, I know stuff. Just nothing about this.
  6. Lost in this whole flap is the seeming fact that nobody understands the difference between a comparison and an analogy. It was a stupid analogy to make, but in no way was Obama compared to Hitler.
  7. Would you say that she's the best approximately 26 days out of the month?
  8. I don't get the big deal. It's clearly an homage to Thomas Jefferson.
  9. It should be noted that the "but pink is a WOMAN'S color" argument is bunkum. The whole thing is based on some inane (and plastic) social construct. In fact, it used to be that pink was considered a masculine color not 70 years ago. Some 70 years from now, it will probably change again just because people are weird like that.
  10. Could be. Occam's Razor, in my opinion, is that Tyrus pinched it from Jesse's locker. Gus may have taken a shine to Jesse, but when you start trying to dictate who Gus can or cannot kill, you need to be shown your place. Btw, maybe it's my Mexican blood but does anybody else think that Jesse's girlfriend is like 20 different kinds of hot?
  11. "The pink hurts my eyes and football players aren't manly enough." Somebody better call the wahmbulance.
  12. I agree. To paraphrase from the movie, Beane was the man to break down the wall. Almost a decade later, every team in the Major Leagues has their own advanced analytics department so the advantage no longer exists. Interestingly enough, the current low budget team having the most success is Tampa Bay and their offense is actually pretty shoddy by sabermetrics standards. Their highest OPS is Longoria at .850 which is solid but unspectacular for the superstar he's presumed to be. They do, however, have excellent pitching and defense by any standard.
  13. Wasnt the ricin in a small glass container inside the cigarette, though? So just smoking the cig wouldn't have done anything...
  14. We'll see. Sideline or not, it takes a couple missed tackles and one big block to spring one. It's a low risk maneuver, but I'd still estimate that expected value dictates it happens once. But don't get me wrong...the average gain of kicking high to the corner outweighs the average loss.
  15. This game will be tougher than we think, so just to be Devil's Advocate Bengals 20 Bills 17 I'll come back and if I'm wrong. Go Bills!!!
  16. I'm glad somebody else realizes how good Lindell has been this season. You're right about the cost of doing business...at least once this season he'll kick it OB and at least once there will be a breakdown and the other team will break off a huge return, possibly for 6 points. Every other team seems to be acquiescing to the new 35-yard line rule and just blasting the ball out of the end zone. The Bills are the first team to adapt and try to use the rule to their advantage, for which I give tons of credit.
  17. I usually root for the bad guy in movies, since most of them are so annoyingly formulaic. I'm still sore that Wile E Coyote never caught that goddamn piss ant Roadrunner.
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