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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'm all for the proliferation of correct spelling/grammar/verbiage, but why the insult?
  2. This is correct. For 31 franchises, football is a team sport. For the Colts, football is a Peyton Manning sport.
  3. Did you guys hear anything more on Merriman getting stopped at the Canadian border? I think if he gets suspended, the Bills start 0-4.
  4. Even before the activism, her schtick always came across as desperate to me despite her being naturally funny. Lampooning the A-listers didn't work comedically because you could always tell she'd give her left tit to be one of them for just a day. JMO.
  5. You don't know that. I still would like for somebody to show me where exactly all these hot intergalactic women are in Star Wars, because there's certainly not much empirical evidence in the movies of their existence. Consider this AND the fact that you'd constantly be getting 3rd helpings at best (you really think you're replacing Chewie as wingman? Please.) I'm still going with Hope. Can we at least all agree that we'd take Alex Morgan over Han?
  6. He gets his shows because people are idiots. There are plenty of inexplicably successful non-Mexican comedians who suck just as bad. "Larry the Cable Guy" comes to mind immediately. Dane Cook, Jeff Dunham, Kathy Griffin, Gallagher, Whoopi Goldberg...
  7. Remember when Rosenfels beat us in that game where Evans had 3 long TDs in the first quarter?
  8. 1999. Of course, people only cared about this in the same sense that they cared about Michael Phelps.
  9. Intriguing meta-narrative going on. In this episode, Parker and Stone essentially said "Yeah, we don't enjoy doing this anymore and we know it's gotten shittier, but sometimes it's best to stick with what you know." As a fan of the show, I honestly don't know whether to be offended or impressed by the honesty.
  10. No **** it's hypothetical, that's why the point is to sarcastically over-analyze everything.
  11. There are like 10 human women total in the Star Wars universe (original trilogy) and Leia was the only hot one.
  12. I took this to mean one round in bed with Hope vs. one beer at the Cantina with Han. Hope wins.
  13. You mean I don't have to listen to that stupid ass song anymore? Let's try to formulate a way to trick Coldplay into making a Hitler reference.
  14. This is the overwhelming logic, and yet...the guy is simply an outstanding football player.
  15. I can see it from that perspective. The onus should be on the masses to parse the meaningful messages from the meaningless ones, but I suppose it's naive to think that will ever happen on a large scale.
  16. Why shouldn't we tolerate celebrities expressing their political views? Despite all the caustic rhetoric on this board, I never see anything along the lines of "Well you're just a *insert profession*. Stick to that and don't tell me your politics.". The difference, of course, is that the public is grotesquely infatuated with their favorite actor's or favorite musician's opinions but that can hardly be blamed on the celebrity.
  17. I wonder if they'll give him the option of being fired by Jennifer Lopez.
  18. It ain't easy being white. IT AIN'T EASY BEING BROWN. All this pressure to be bright. I GOT KIDS ALL OVER TOWN!
  19. If I have to endure the nickname for unique page views, so be it. As I said in the article, the new episodes might be a little awkward and ring hollow but I'm greatly anticipating the movie.
  20. To both the small and big screens. Big news for any fan of the show. http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/catching-up-with-the-stars-of-arrested-development/
  21. I believe the average prognosis for prostate cancer is significantly better than for breast cancer, as it tends to be less aggressive. So the rate of prevalence may be similar, but that doesn't mean we can equate the two. That said, I believe that there is an undeniable bias toward women's health in our country.
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