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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Just my attempt at a little parody. Stevie's my favorite Bill.
  2. If Steve "Rap" Johnson doesn't like the cold, what does it say that he's only getting 4 catches and 29 yards in the biggest game of the season and it's WARM??? This is marshawn 2.0, how long until johnson is arrested? If he wants miami culture, go to miami, we'll keep respectable guys like fitz, wood and chandler.
  3. Sorry, but you don't trade a 2nd rounder to replace a guy who's gone for 4 weeks.
  4. Clearly, Football Outsiders is behind the times if they haven't factored the Two Bills Drive Theory of Sustainable Winning into their formula.
  5. We march into Jersey One Manning might beat the Bills But it's not Eli
  6. The award will go to a QB in this offense-laden season, but by my definition of "most valuable" Freddie is a definite contender. He alone accounts for roughly 40% of the Bills' offensive yardage, and he has been instrumental in the team's success in controlling the time of possession.
  7. And it's not just the writers. Bryan Cranston creates such depth of character that it's hard to not feel a connection.
  8. The Jets have played poorly, but Namath should shut his yap. We all know that Jim Kelly remains active in the Bills organization, but when have you ever heard him call out the head coach and say "See, this is what should be happening with the team..." Namath needs to get a life.
  9. I heard Boomer refer to the jump as the "Ralph Romp" this morning on The Blitz. Thoughts?
  10. It was sad to see such a great character go, but it was a fitting demise if you really think about it. The foundation of Gus' empire was his calculating and logical nature. Even when he did something so risky as to wipe out the entirety of Don Eladio's crew, there was a methodical plan in motion and he stuck to the plan. In an industry filled with loose cannons, Gus rose to the top because he knew how to cover his tracks and stay in the shadows. The decision that ultimately ended his life was one of emotion, not logic. Gus should have sent one of his lackeys to kill Hector Salamanca, but he simply couldn't resist the temptation of seeing the life drain out of the old man's eyes. His thirst for revenge against the Cartel was his one emotional indulgence. Once Walt caught wind from Saul of this weakness...well, that was the end of Gus Fring. Some people are saying the whole Harvey Dent thing was over the top...I think it was absolutely brilliant. My jaw was just hanging open.
  11. Oh, we're on the exact same page. There's nothing wrong with that sentiment. In fact, it's ideal. My complaint is with the chicken little numbskulls who throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble, even when the Bills are leading. Ironically, these are usually the same people who are apt to complain about the teams' fortitude and resolve.
  12. Here's a weekly chat feature...this week we talked about Moneyball, the upcoming Breaking Bad finale and more. Some nice aesthetic changes have been made to the site, so check it out. http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/the-eb-chat-wrap/886
  13. But that's a ~30th ranked defensed using just one measure, total yards. We all know that total yards doesn't even come close to telling the whole story.
  14. No doubt there's been an element of luck in our turnover differential, but if the defense wasn't scratching and clawing the way they were we don't get those INTs. Let's consider yesterday's turnovers. #1 - D-Line blows up a screen play and Corner makes an incredibly athletic play on the tip drill. #2 - Moats destroys Vick and the ball floats to Wilson. #3 - Sheppard drills Vick, ball flies into the waiting arms of Barnett. #4 - Byrd literally rips the ball out of Jason Avant's hands. #5 - Florence knocks the ball out of Avant's grip while he's completing a catch and Barnett is johnny-on-the-spot. So, did luck play in? Of course. But those were all big-time effort plays, and as the saying goes, you make your own luck.
  15. My choice for MVP would be Fred Jackson, simply due to how much we rely on his abilities. He's the offense's motor...it simply doesn't run without him. The best player, though, has been Andy Levitre. He's a stalwart pass blocker, but on running plays he's pancaked enough linebackers to feed Paul Bunyan. If Levitre (and Wood by the way) continue anywhere close to how they've played, not receiving an All-Pro selection would be a travesty.
  16. I nominate this for post of the year. Thanks for sharing that. You clearly don't understand. When you give up yardage, it's a systemic failure. When you take the ball away, it's just something that randomly happened.
  17. I saw no fewer than 10 different posters in the shout box and gameday thread declare that the game was over (in philly's favor) while the Bills were LEADING by a touchdown in the 4th quarter. Don't get me wrong. I'm of the "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" mindset at times too, but if you can't be optimistic with the lead at home, then why are you watching?
  18. WOW I mean... WOW! Gus adjusting his tie as he crumples to the ground... And the revelation that Walt was two moves ahead of everybody for the last two episodes, when we all thought he was just in panic mode...but how far has he sunk as a person? Wow.
  19. Based on expected values, the best play was shoving it down their throats. I believe QB sneaks from that distance have ~90% chance of success.
  20. Prior to the season, the relative concensus was that the **** would hit the fan if one of our OL starters ever left the field. Well, now two minor injuries have occurred to Urbik and Bell and there's been absolutely no drop-off in play when they were replaced with Rinehart and Hairston. Now, even Buddy Nix said OL depth was a problem, so I'm not trying to point the finger at anybody here, but it's been yet another pleasant surprise.
  21. I suppose there's always a degree of luck when it comes to turnovers. Today, however, they were all great plays. One was a tip drill and an athletic INT. Twice, Vick threw bad passes to avoid heavy pressure. Twice, we literally ripped the ball from their hands. The defense may have given up yardage in droves again, but they scratched and clawed their way to victory.
  22. Winning 2 out of every 3 games gets you to the playoffs. We'll be at least on that pace heading into the bye. We won't have this type of turnover ratio all season, but if that's what's winning us games for the time being, you won't hear me complaining.
  23. Then you know that there's no such thing as "too much" in the eyes of The Onion. http://www.theonion.com/articles/no-matter-how-much-you-protect-your-kids-sooner-or,26255/
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