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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. On the main forum, the display for this post is "Anybody know how I screwed..." And I just wanted to let you know how severely disappointed I am.
  2. Yeesh, no. In terms of notable golf swings from men with embarrassing vices, I'm more akin to Charles Barkley.
  3. Ok. As far as sweet tasting mixed drinks go, I'm a fan of the John Daly (Vodka with an Arnold Palmer splash). Also known as the Varnold or Varnish.
  4. Sometimes I just have a Guinness and skip the blended malt Scotch. Does that count?
  5. Don't be so naive. There have been hundreds of Scandinavian ski jump medalists and none of those Scandinavians have been African American. That's a coincidence?
  6. I won't label the OP a brilliant satirist, but do you guys really not understand that he was joking?
  7. Now there's a guy who clearly isn't thinking of the children.
  8. Yes. It's good to be king, of course, but not so frequently.
  9. I hope he isn't on a lentil kick. That'll knock you off TSW for a while.
  10. This thread makes me wonder....wtf happened to Deano?
  11. Terrible. Just terrible. It's incredible that this doesn't happen more often.
  12. I've never been so pissed off that I couldn't reach through my computer screen.
  13. Agree and disagree. Agree that Week 6 is far too early for any "Told ya so" talk. Disagree that 2008 has anything to do with it. What exactly does this 2011 team have in common with the 2008 team? Almost nothing. Aside from special teamers, Kelsay is the only remaining starter, unless I'm forgetting anybody.
  14. Thanks for the info. To me, the whole Bills to LA hysteria was always based on something that only seemed like it might happen...all due to lazy conjecture and our own paranoia as a small market.
  15. I'd say that calling Buffalo a "hardscrabble outpost" is, yes, hyperbolizing. It's friggin' WNY, not Siberia.
  16. Hyperbolizing the negatives of a smaller city like Buffalo is useful in contrasting the region itself to the local team's success. The imagery of something good rising from the ashes of a broken city supposedly makes for a more profound story. Really, it's just lazy writing from a tired angle.
  17. My friend and I talked about the season finale and more in our chat wrap yesterday. http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/the-entertainment-bureau-chat-wrap-1015/926 I've got a longer feature in the works as well, which I'll link to when published.
  18. Maybe he can pick up your Least Aware of Sarcasm award while he's at it.
  19. All correct answers, but nobody wears it better than the Sabres!
  20. Sadly enough, the 'Steve "Rap" Johnson' thing was inspired by real events from the shoutbox last week.
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