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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. It's good fortune that this is happening on Nov. 8 and not Oct. 21 or else all the crazies would be going...crazy.
  2. I thought this was going to be the tale of a puppy who got his paws on his kid's candy and yanked adorably on the wrappers before being gently dragged away by the scruff of the neck.
  3. I prefer white meat, so long as it isn't too dry.
  4. Have I further contributed to Tom and Darin's masturbatory curmudgeonry with my Muppets thread? Good.
  5. I think he meant that the Nationals won the season series 11-8. Still, I wouldn't describe the Nats as a team that's "being smart and building through the draft". They've sucked their way into two #1 overall picks and made the obvious choices in taking Strasburg and Harper. The rest of their franchise is basically a patchwork of mediocre AAA talent, journeymen, and bad FA contracts. Zimmerman and Morse are pretty good. If Chubs has himself convinced that the Nationals are the bright future of DC sports, there will be plenty more embittered videos coming down the pipe.
  6. Simple counting stats like tackles rarely mean anything without solid context. Given the amount of plays that George Wilson makes at or near the line of scrimmage, I have no problem with him leading the team in tackles, be it for one game or the whole season.
  7. Fans of Revis say he gets the calls because he's great. Detractors say he looks great because he gets the calls. The truth, as usual, is probably somewhere in the grey area; Revis is a great cornerback whose reputation precedes him enough to get the benefit of the doubt from referees on subjective plays. Now, no player deserves any positive bias in a theoretically fair game, but we must remember that referees are human. They can still remain impartial while bending to preconceived notions. We all do it. There are examples across other sports. Andy Pettitte had an awesome pickoff move, the results of which were exacerbated because he never got called on a bevy of well-deserved balks. Dwyane Wade is an all-time great at driving the lane, but it certainly helps that he's essentially allowed to approach the free-throw line whenever he pleases. I'm not as intimately familiar with hockey, but given that penalty calls are subjective I imagine there is an analogous example somewhere. These are all examples of officials who fall victim to self-fulfilling prophecies. Revis is certainly a top-tier CB, but is his actual greatness exaggerated by his reputation for greatness? I think it's a fair assertion.
  8. I'll also admit that I was wrong about Marshawn being better than Freddie. People on this board would insist that Freddie was simply better at finding and hitting holes and I didn't believe. Shows what I know.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_BmeBfV-O4&feature=related
  10. Animal is the correct answer, though I'm a little surprised at absolutely no love for Kermit.
  11. The 2nd half will certainly be easier than the 1st half. If we can just get ourselves to 6-2 by "halftime" I'll be quite comfortable with our playoff hopes. That said, 11 out of 16 AFC teams are currently above .500 and it's going to be a down and dirty dogfight. Out of those 11 teams... Very Surprised if they make it KC Tennessee Surprised if they make it Oakland Cincy Up in the air NYJ Baltimore Buffalo Surprised if they don't make it New England Pittsburgh Houston (because somebody has to win that division) San Diego (because somebody has to win THAT division)
  12. If we're gonna open this up to Sesame Street canon, it'd be too big of a **** show. Snuffy is the dude, though, yes.
  13. This is a spill over from the shout box. While this is technically an opinion poll, there is only one correct answer. And it plays one mean drum kit. Bear in mind, this is very serious business.
  14. Is the internet such a cesspool of misbegotten humanity that this guy is well-spoken by comparison? I shudder at the thought. He's an Idiot™.
  15. I'm consulting my 15 year old self, and I think he'll say yes. I just have to wait for him to finish into that stale bagel. Yep, he says yes. I say no.
  16. No, the Cubs suck. Any billy goat will tell you the same.
  17. Nobody does much against Brandon Flowers. He's Revis without the NJ hype machine.
  18. Complaining about a Washington football curse. He does realize that the Skins have won a SB during his lifetime right?
  19. I think for a lot of people, it's a conditioned response where anything good that happens for the Bills must be a fluke. Some folks are just so paranoid about a potential collapse that they can't be objective. They can't imagine any other scenario than losing to the Jets next week, which starts the slippery slope toward missing the playoffs once again. Here are the facts: 1. The Bills are 5-2. 2. The two losses have been by an average of 3.0 points against teams with a combined 10-4 record. 3. The five wins have been by an average of 14.0 points against teams with a combined 18-16 record. 4. The Bills are 6th in the NFL with a +64 points differential. 5. The Bills have allowed an NFL-low 8 sacks. 6. The Bills have intercepted an NFL-high 14 passes. 7. The Bills are 4th in the NFL with 5.0 yards per rush attempt. Objectively, what part of this seems like a fluke? I've spoken to some of my more pessimistic friends and can't seem to get a better answer than "Remember 2008?".
  20. As of right now, Fitz should only be behind Brady. The AFC isn't strong at QB this year.
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