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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'm on record for thinking Rocky is vastly overrated. I give it credit for taking the boxing genre to a whole new level of popularity, but I can think of a sizable handful of boxing movies that are better, Raging Bull being one. I also think The Fighter was better than Rocky and operated on a lot of the same motifs. I really thought Big Fan was spectacular. More than anything, I appreciate the combination of a role and an actor that just fit each other so perfectly. The movie should also be required viewing for some of the overreacting wackadoos on TSW Rounders is a hell of a fun movie. Might be in my Top 10. Jerry Maguire. Goddamn chick flick masquerading as a sports movie. Did have some memorable quotes, though.
  2. No way I'm giving you crap for that! A League of Their Own is definitely a top 5 baseball flick. That's one I can watch over and over again. Shamefully, I've never seen Brian's Song. I'll have to look it up on Netflix. Hoosiers was great, but bball is my least favorite major sport so that definitely colors my opinion.
  3. As bleak as things have looked around here, if the Bills take care of business against the Dolphins their playoff hopes are very much within their own destiny, as the Jets will now struggle to attain 10-6. I only fear that our injuries have piled up too high. Double digit players on the IR again.
  4. According to one douchey opinion http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/the-5-greatest-sports-movies-of-all-time/1145 Let's have fun with this...what do you guys think? I had a hard time not including Raging Bull.
  5. Good thing indeed. Maybe we should consolidate Sabres threads into one thread, sorta like the Bills thread on Sabrespace? No offense to the OP, but it would facilitate discussion.
  6. Sorry, but no. I would totally agree with you if the content of the piece actually matched its admirable thesis. There's nothing in there suggesting an actual revelation about what's important in life. "Maybe I'll become a better parent or husband", he says with a shrug. It's quite evident that the author is simply frustrated that not enough victory parades are running through the streets of Philly. Waaaah, the Phillies haven't won the World Series since 2008. Waaaah, every Eagles season is the same 10-6 nightmare where we lose in the playoffs. Waaaah no Sixers this year. Waaaah, I don't even care about hockey but the Flyers always lose in the playoffs. And then the bit about Penn State...he's not upset that kids got raped, he's upset that watching sports news makes him sad now. Like you said, nobody should obsess over sports. Energies should be spent elsewhere. This guy, though, is completely insincere about that message.
  7. http://spikeeskin.com/2011/11/17/hanging-em-up-a-philadelphia-sports-fan-retires/ Philly sports enthusiast "retires".
  8. We should trade Miller and Enroth for Tim Connolly. McIntyre went full on shutout for 9 minutes, baby!
  9. Baseball will always be my favorite sport, but the Bills are the team I care about the most. I got into hockey about 7 years ago, though I'm not what you'd call passionate about it. I'm a golfer so I love to watch any Sunday round when the competition is good, but I don't really have a favorite player.
  10. Spicy brown mustard on a turkey sandwich with a few green olives to top it off, mmmmmm. Horseradish is great too and I also love garlic mayo.
  11. A few years ago with Lalime, Miller's injury ruined the season. This year I believe the Sabres can survive (and even thrive) while he's out.
  12. I'm gonna go into grammar police mode. Three mistakes I see on TBD all the time for some reason. 1. Rooting =/= "Routing" (ie. I'll be routing for the Patriots tonight) 2. Dominant =/= "Dominate" (ie. He was good, but it wasn't a dominate effort) 3. Worst =/= Worse (ie. That was the worse game I've ever seen!) Why, people, why?
  13. Furthermore, gone are the days when the #1 QB in the draft becomes the highest paid player in football, due to the new CBA.
  14. I liked that. It's a great song and Weezer's version is awesome in its technical proficiency, especially vocals and drums. Where the cover falls short is that it has a distinct laboratory feel, whereas the original (a top 10 song of in rock history to me, so I'm biased) is bursting at the seams with a barely contained wildness. Thanks for posting.
  15. I've always thought that the melody to Zeppelin's When the Levee Breaks was simultaneously kick ass and haunting. I don't know if you'd call it a bridge or a secondary motif to the base melody, but the part starting at 2:30 of the vid just gets me every time.
  16. Not to belittle the ugliness in Happy Valley, but one of the ancillary effects will be that the Helen Lovejoy "think of the children" paranoia will increase for a while.
  17. Pffft. You can't see Jupiter. It's gas and it's like a bazillion miles away.
  18. That may be the public front, but I think something more sinister is happening. Keep in mind, I said the same thing about the Atlantic Ocean just a few weeks before Katrina. Watch the tides. Closely.
  19. What? Wasn't that like the first long return of the year? Extra points are for the birds. I'm still waiting for a head coach brave enough to go for an all 2-point conversion strategy, only kicking the PAT to win a game or gain an extra score advantage (ie to go ahead by 9 instead of 8, or 17 instead of 16).
  20. The body moves as one. There's not much that you can do effectively with a bum shoulder.
  21. While we're on the subject, is anybody else a little paranoid about how the Moon has just been sorta...circling...for all these years? What exactly is it planning?
  22. The problem is that a lot of the people on this board built up Sunday's game as if it was the Superbowl. When you push that many chips into the center of the table, you're gonna be upset when you lose the hand. 5-3 is the reality and 5-3 isn't a bad place to be.
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