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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragraph http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_stop
  2. Tell me something, friend. Don't you suppose that some fans enjoy attending Bills games and wearing the merch because they think it's fun, regardless of the team's results? And don't you suppose it's a bit egocentric to lecture people about how they ought to spend their free time and expendable income? Will you go to the prom with me? I asked Carly but she said she's going with Josh Davies.
  3. That's a good question. It hurt like hell when God slapped the ball out of Stevie's hands in OT vs. Pittsburgh, but in retrospect that's the type of loss you can live with...dust yourself off and move on. Today's loss...just a pathetic effort.
  4. It's true that happiness tends to exist in relation to specific context rather than general context (ie. we assume that impoverished people spend each day miserable due to their poverty, when in reality they are nuanced beings who experience good days and bad days).
  5. I won't condescend to you, because we all get by in life the best we can. But why have you pigeon-holed your interests in such a way? This is a big world with many beautiful things in it.
  6. I'm gonna throw out a wildcard here. Mexico City Guillermos.
  7. It's only three consecutive embarrassing losses to average teams. If the Bills capture lightning in a bottle, I'm confident they can make it to 6-10.
  8. +1 I believe in intangibles. I don't weight them as heavily as some, but I think a winning attitude, the spark, plays a role. The only thing I've ever objected to is that the media tends to forget Tebow's teammates (and that includes all the other impressive young men at UF).
  9. They do correlate very closely. You don't move the ball, you don't score. Denver's defense has been winning them games, and Tebow has chipped in with timely plays. Good for him. Any young QB who shows that sort of poise can't be written off. I still need proof that he can move the ball consistently.
  10. Yeah, Tim Tebow is very accurate if you include all of his rushes as completed passes.
  11. I have a rotating cast of made up words that I use. "Torgsdeep", for example, is one of the retired ones. Perfect system because I'll never forget them, but nobody could ever guess them.
  12. Points are the only thing that technically matters, but points allowed and yards allowed are correlated closely enough that yards allowed (situationally) can be analyzed to predict future returns.
  13. Is soccer that one where the surfboard ripped off her shirt that one time?
  14. You're right. Fellow Bills fans, I am sorry. I realize that the status of Latin as a dead tongue does not excuse my profanity therein. I realize the magnitude of my error and I know that the onus is on me to earn back your respect. I hope that the healing process can begin. Thank you and God bless.
  15. Love it. What I hate is a faux puritan society where a man has to apologize for using a curse word to comedic effect.
  16. Love it. If you ever get the chance to read the biography Luckiest Man, do so.
  17. Sure, you could get a pretty good estimate that way, maybe +/- 10 leaves. To get the exact number, you gotta put the effort in.
  18. Not that it would've been ideal but if your son has that sort of physical skill set, couldn't he have started at a different position and then switched to RB once he got scouted? Seems better than not playing at all.
  19. How much of the 6 hours did you spend counting every leaf? Edit: Damn, Pooj beat me to it.
  20. Any opinions on Murderball? One of the few documentaries to truly blow me away.
  21. This is what annoys me; Good on Tebow for that final drive, but the Broncos' defense should be getting 95% of the credit. And yet, you don't hear a peep about them. From an objective standpoint, they saved Tebow's bacon. That winning drive could have very well been meaningless. And no, I'm not being anti-Tebow here. It's just that the Denver offense did NOTHING with the ball all game, so to be in a position where the lead was even attainable was a near miracle given how often they punted away to the Jets. Look at the way the Broncos have been winning. Why aren't people saying "The Denver defense just wins games"?
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