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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Shades of grey, people. You don't have to be 100% satisfied at the very fact that Buffalo has an NFL team, but I think it's prudent to feel thankful for it anyway - sort of in the same sense that despite all of America's troubles, I feel thankful to have been born into a free country.
  2. I appreciate a good rant. It's a subjective thing, of course, so we'll agree to disagree. I can tell this is an area of passion for you, as it is for me, so I have no words to try to persuade you of anything. Not to needlessly enumerate everything, but I'd approximate that Taxi Driver is a Top 20 movie of all time, while Rocky hangs out somewhere below the Top 100. For me, anyway. As the film that single-handedly pioneered a sizable niche genre, I take absolutely nothing away from Rocky.
  3. Perhaps you misunderstood me. I put quotation marks around "their guy" because I think the Bills FO believed that Nelson was their answer to the growing trend of catch-first block-second TEs around the league. I never thought that.
  4. 'Colors on the Wall (Don't Stop)' and 'Houdini' are just plain addictive.
  5. In all seriousness, I think the Bills got "their guy" in Shawn Nelson. Unfortunately, he was made of styrofoam and I also didn't get the impression that the work ethic was there.
  6. For you Pumped Up Kicks fans, make sure you listen to the entire album 'Torches'. Great stuff. Foster the People may just usher in a new generation of rock fans if they play their cards right. No disrespect (because I can tell you're a fan) but I abjectly disagree. That song, to me, is about so much more than one man's sexual/romantic experiences. It's about the common search for affection and closeness, and the inherent pain involved therein. When Freddie sings, "Til the tears run down from my eyes", it may just be the most emotionally wrenching thing in rock history. As a part-time radio DJ myself, I can say with confidence that I'd choose the exact same song. Besides, nobody knows how he got AIDS and I think it's unfair to assert that he was promiscuous (if indeed that was your assertion, apologies if I misunderstood). His partner, Jim Hutton, also tested HIV positive so for all we know Freddie acquired the disease unwittingly from a stable relationship. Or it could have been the other way around...we just don't know. Just my opinion.
  7. Ah well, such is life. Most have cheated, of course...but what little solace may be found in the material gain therein! Remember, the cheater observes his spoils not sweetly but with disdain.
  8. Well, I respectfully disagree. Examine your own life, if you will. Do you revel in your outward accomplishments or the manner in which you achieved them? "For when the scorer comes to mark against your name, he writes - not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."
  9. In this particular case, I doubt that "no idea" literally means no idea. I'd imagine they aren't too far away from principal photography, so maybe Gilligan is just being humble and most of it is indeed figured out? If not, he'd best hurry!
  10. See, I think of a season as more analogous to a movie than the entirety of a series. I understand where you're coming from, but this doesn't bother me especially since BB leans toward "character driven" rather than "plot driven". Gilligan may not have all the answers yet, but I seriously doubt that he's scrambling for story lines. I can only imagine how emotionally and mentally draining this process must be - ending such a great story. He has my absolute trust.
  11. 1. Play the game the right way. 2. Win it. In that order.
  12. In the man's own words, "I'm gay as a daffodil, my dear."
  13. He joins the Albert Haynesworth Club of pricks who cleat stomp a vulnerable lineman on the ground.
  14. Greatest singer in rock history. Heaven got a bit more...ostentatious...20 years ago. His best vocals, imo, were on Somebody to Love... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pMM4iwC-ag&ob=av2e
  15. Welcome, Bills fan. Walls of text are discouraged. The Enter key is your friend.
  16. One Norwood, 50,000 pom poms. The Football Gods despise pom poms that are shaken by anyone but a cheerleader.
  17. Oh well. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks I guess. I'm into that bizarre type of humor.
  18. The Pats game may feel like a century ago now, but I wouldn't trade in the memory. No sir.
  19. Some are only 'meh'. The Rolling Stones one (I believe it's the video to Start Me Up) is hilarious.
  20. I saw him on a promo for Two and a Half Men, I think. Don't watch the show so I can't really speak as to whether he'll be a main character. I can't fathom him not returning for the final season of BB.
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