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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. There wasn't a single person being non-objective until you got here. And if I'm not mistaken, this thread has nothing to do with Spiller's draft position.
  2. Yes, I wasn't impressed by the play calling either. Would've liked to see Spiller try to get to the corner a few times. That said, you look around the NFL and there isn't exactly a glut of RBs who make their living outside the hashmarks. Reggie Bush has struggled with the same thing, learning how to play between the tackles. Now, none of this is to say that Spiller can't have a successful NFL career as a role player. But if his aim is to carry the load for a team at RB, this element of his game needs improvement. Personally, I think it's equally about balance as well as strength. Some RBs (Mendenhall comes to mind) have been known to participate in activities like yoga and ballet to improve balance.
  3. He just doesn't seem to have the strength to break tackles, and he's not quite elusive enough to avoid contact. How many times have you seen him run (or after a catch) and say "Damn! He almost broke that one! If he had only beat that one tackler." Well you have to start wondering at some point when he's ACTUALLY going to beat that one tackler. In today's NFL of speedy LBs and DEs, a RB simply cannot be successful if breaking tackles is not in his repertoire of skills. Going down at first contact is as damning as not finding the hole. Otherwise, I was relatively impressed. Spiller has pretty good vision and he's improved immensely with blitz pickup. If I were CJ I would dedicate my off-season to improvements on my core strength and balance, because hi
  4. Pet Peeve: When things are going poorly, every negative opinion (no matter how irrational) is "just telling it like it is".
  5. Lock up Ruvell Martin. 8 years $100 million should do the trick. He could demand more in the open market, but he's a class guy who loves the city of Buffalo and he'll take a hometown discount.
  6. Ok, I already decided on Dracula, but here's a fuller cast... Count Dracula - Jerry Sandusky Van Helsing - Zac Efron Mina Murray - Meryl Streep Jonathan Harker - Bill Cosby Dr. Jack Seward - Reanimated corpse of Walter Matthau Arthur Holmwood - Jackie Chan Lucy Westenra - Tila Tequila
  7. I have pride as a Buffalonian, but don't find it offensive whatsoever that most people are referring to NYC when they say "New York". It's vernacular.
  8. I'll cast Jerry Sandusky in the role of Dracula, under the condition that the part where Van Helsing drives the stake into his heart isn't faked.
  9. Also, has anybody implicated Boeheim with knowledge of the alleged abuse? Some people hide their skeletons better than others...
  10. And it seems to happen year after year. Was it 2007 that we put 19 players on the IR? People blame the lockout, but I look around the league and it seems as if most teams have an average number of injuries.
  11. Man, I can't wait to own a home theater. I found Cloverfield haunting and that was on a computer screen!
  12. At the encouragement of some of the vids posted on this thread, I've been listening to all of my Queen LP's over the last couple days. To close your eyes and listen to Freddie Mercury is to be in the presence of true greatness, the kind that only comes along once or twice in a lifetime. His range, the raw power, the subtle timbres of his voice, can never be duplicated. Listening to Freddie provides one of those moments where you say to yourself, "Holy crap. I could spend literally every second of my life devoted to mastering this art and I would never be 1% as good as him." I've had other moments like that...watching Richard Pryor, Dominik Hasek, Daniel Day Lewis - reading Hemingway. Some men were put on this Earth to do one specific thing.
  13. Yes, MVP tends to be a misnomer among all the sports that give the award. Most Outstanding Player is more accurate.
  14. I hate everybody who isn't Top 10 in the world in their chosen profession.
  15. So is it safe to say that Jim Kelly is the MVP of the past 15 years? Look how bad the Bills have been without him...
  16. This kid is going to grow up thinking he's a god. Never a good thing.
  17. Absolutely not. There are myriad celebrity cameos and the Muppets perform some well known songs, but if you know anything of the Muppets or the Muppet Show you know that those two elements are inherent.
  18. I just got back from the Muppets and I'll be posting a full essay about it from my site either Monday or Tuesday. In the interim, it was... and... and... and... (in regards to Amy Adams and Rashida Jones) but most of all just plain old...
  19. Yep. The merits of having a team improve from 4-12 to 7-9 (hypothetically) are self evident, but to improve further is to tinker with the formula until you get it right.
  20. To answer one of the OP's questions, George Edwards' employment status should have nothing to do with the team's record at the end of the season.
  21. In a post 9-11 world, Joey never would have been allowed in the cockpit to chat with Captain Oveur.
  22. An argument can be made for a certain Mr. Presley in this regard as well. Marc Bolan is another in the upper echelon of great front-men, though neither he nor T. Rex has really stood the test of time.
  23. They couldn't even offer him one of those little pull out seats that the flight attendants use? It really is a joke. People worrying about airplane seat belt while thousands are killed each year by having their chests caved in by tray tables in the down position.
  24. Back in 1973, I bet somebody said "Who the !@#$ is Queen? We're talkin' Chuck Berry here, man, a LEGEND." I'll remember this when FtP explodes.
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