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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Yes, upon some research Karis Almy is a sufferer of Krabbe who's involved with Hunter's Hope. Prayers regardless, of course. Each child fighting for his or her life is one too many.
  2. I'd be surprised to find out that Nicks wasn't concussed on that play. Manning continues to thrive despite losing weapons. Gotta give credit.
  3. So long as we're talking fantasy, I invested $27 in Jermichael Finley when I could've had Graham for $12.
  4. I'm full on rooting for my fantasy team. Nicks and Kasay need to total fewer than 15.2 points (non ppr league) and I'm a virtual shoe in for the playoffs.
  5. I thought it was a funny moment, but probably just a brain fart rather than incompetence.
  6. The syntax confused me too, but I believe he's saying Gailey as HC and Turner as OC. One thing I wonder about - a lot of people want to replace Edwards with Wannstedt. As Assistant HC, don't you suppose that Wanny has already had quite a say in regards to the defense?
  7. Seriously, you would have thought an entire decade is long enough to no longer be walking around on egg shells. Guess not.
  8. The Bills are on the doorstep of greatness. However, the door is locked from the inside and they're afraid to knock because Mean Old Man Belichick lives there.
  9. You all are clearly a bunch of hippies who don't support the troops. 9/11 changed everything. Are you trying to say 9/11 didn't change everything? Maybe visions of airplanes don't affect YOU on a personal level, but my cousin's roommate's ex girlfriend was watching tv when the towers went down.
  10. Well, isn't bandwagoneering sorta the point? Unless people want to mope about the Bills during the playoffs, what's wrong with cheering on a team that may be remembered as the greatest of all time?
  11. I'll take that one further. Have you ever seen Tebow and Peter Pan Guy in the same place at the same time? Kinda makes you wonder...
  12. I'll read the content of your post later, as I'm running out the door right now. But what is it like to root for a team that doesn't always screw the pooch?
  13. Yup. Sanchez was in the midst of a TERRIBLE day throwing, and we still let their offense score 28 points. It's easy to point to a couple plays on offense because they were specifically heart-wrenching, but any semblance of a competent defense wouldn't have put the offense in a scenario where they needed 29.
  14. I have no problem with the blitz on 3rd and 11. In fact, it forced Sanchez into a very low percentage throw, essentially a lob to the sideline toward a covered receiver. Unfortunately for the Bills, Sanchez put the ball where it needed to be AND Burress made an incredible one handed catch. The odds of that situation favored the Bills. Didn't turn out our way. I don't see how you can blame the blitz. Would you all have preferred to see them do the typical 4-man rush and give Sanchez ~10 seconds to beat us?
  15. http://www.onionsportsnetwork.com/articles/nfl-to-expand-season-to-however-many-games-it-take,18025/
  16. Well, missing the playoffs isn't a mathematical lock, but it appears to me that the time of year has arrived when we're forced to get our playoff thrills vicariously. Even if it's another dud for the Bills, there are still some great story lines out there. Will the Packers take over the mantle of greatest team ever? Can the Lions survive in the spotlight? Can some guy by the name of T.J. Yates drag an 8-3 team kicking and screaming into the playoffs? Tebow mania of course. My vote goes to the Packers. Love to watch Rodgers play.
  17. Same here. He's far from a great blocker, but he's also not the same liability in this capacity as he once was.
  18. Do you know why people are phrasing things that way? Because they're talking about a young NFL running back who may or may not succeed. What they're NOT talking about is the retroactive value of the #9 pick of the 2010 draft. Two separate issues. Draft position becomes irrelevant after the rookie contract is signed. I don't care about the extent to which Spiller is a "bust". I care about whether he can play football. Explain to me where you see a lack of objectivity. And please don't refer to my home town as Dumpalo. I take pride in my heritage and a lot of other posters do as well. A BUFFALO Bills message board clearly isn't the place for that variety of derision.
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