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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'd honestly be more likely to watch a Madden world championship.
  2. They are simply terrible against the run. It's pathetic to watch.
  3. With Manning out of the picture and the demise of the Chahguhs (and Rivers), there's been a serious dearth of quality QB play in the AFC.
  4. Weren't all the coastal cities supposed to be underwater or under attack by refugee polar bears or something?
  5. I wonder if I'm the only person in the history of the world to answer that specific question more than ten times. If not, who are the others? Was my claim of lentil exclusivity the douchiest among them? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
  6. 3 weeks and I cheated with a double cheeseburger.
  7. Points well taken, but I think most men have selective memory. Yes, "horny" is a good word to describe most 13 year old boys, but most of them would be rather confused and intimidated at the prospect of actually having sex, particularly with an experienced older woman. Or how about this...what about a horny 13 year old boy who's gay and in a sexual relationship with a male teacher? I don't think we'd see as many "Lucky kid " posts. Most people would find the idea repellent, as they should. I realize the world is shades of gray, but when it comes to something so awful as child molestation (and this IS child molestation), I think that society needs to draw a hard line in the sand no matter the circumstance.
  8. That's great. I love a good one liner. "On the other hand, you have different fingers." - Stephen Wright
  9. My absolute favorite is in my signature. I doubt Tyson really meant it that way, but to me it's a perfect metaphor for the grind of human experience. Another favorite is from Carl Sagan... "To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." At first it's just a good chuckle, but upon further thought I think it's a really nice meditation on man's failure to consider the world outside his own frame of reference. What are some of your favorites?
  10. +1 I disagree with this pervading sentiment that long-tenured coaches who haven't won championships need to be fired just to shake things up. The problem is that people, after a while, tend to equate "hasn't won it all" with "can't ever win it all". It's about realizing the potential of your team. This year's Sabres squad has the potential for a deep playoff run. If Lindy can't milk it out of them, then his job should be in jeopardy.
  11. That sucks. I'll remember him as T-Bone the flamer on Arrested Development. RIP
  12. Just think of how good I'll be when I branch out to lentil-independent topics.
  13. Except I can safely say that, relative to expectations, the Sabres have never tanked during a season like the Eagles have this year. If the Sabres have an overall down year (a first round playoff exit or worse) I have no problem canning Lindy.
  14. As promised, here's my full review of The Muppets - the first edition of my new Reviewsday Tuesday column. Not much in the way of spoilers, so feel free to read if you haven't yet seen the movie. Comment if you wish. http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/reviewsday-tuesday-the-muppets/1202
  15. Thanks guys. San Jose Bills Fan is the undisputed valedictorian of the TSW Class of '08, but I'm happy to give the salutatory speech if it's hoisted upon me. And Lana, I haven't so much looked a lentil in the eye since my 3 week binge. Read more carefully. Everybody gets one lentil. ONE. And you'll eat it and like it, dang nabbit.
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