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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Was the book any good? The last two new King novels I bought, Cell and Under the Dome, both sucked. His collection of short stories, Just After Sunset, was spectacular though.
  2. Been rewatching on Neflix in my spare time. I'm halfway through Season 2 right now. I'd suggest it for any fan...it's fascinating to rewind and watch the characters develop with the knowledge of where they are right now. In particular, I've gained a new appreciation for Dean Norris' portrayal of Hank. Very nuanced character. He's THE unsung hero of the series if you ask me.
  3. Male or female, sometimes people just need to be socked in the face to learn a lesson. When you're being physically belligerent like that, gender has nothing to do with it.
  4. I think of it like this... McDonald's makes crappy ass hamburgers for cheap. But people buy them in droves for a number of reaons, none of which is "because it's quality food". Am I ANGRY at McDonald's that their business plan works? Of course not.
  5. Yeah? Well, you know...that's just, like, her opinion, man.
  6. Good plan. Lay low. With a Guinness, all the better. Perhaps this conversation should be moved to the baseball forum. That will provide for some secrecy.
  7. Oh, man. I want to make sure I'm on your side of the revolution. Here's what I bring to the table - nothing. Ball's in your court.
  8. I want to skydive without a parachute. That's the very definition of something you do before you die.
  9. Playing = fun Watching the competition = fun Winning = fun Deciding that winning is the only important thing in life = not fun Some of my fondest memories in competition involve the memory of a losing effort.
  10. To be fair, the OP described SJ's celebration as idiocy, not the man himself as an idiot. I disagree with the claim, but I've known plenty of smart people who've done idiotic things.
  11. The point of football is... 1) Fun 2) Winning That's how I've always seen it anyway. To me, seeing the Bills win is secondary to taking Sunday off to veg on the couch with some chips and guacamole and have some fun watching football. So when Stevie makes me laugh like that, it's 100% a positive.
  12. I think so. Look at Kevin Kolb... 2010 season: 7 games, 7 TD, 7 INT, 60.9 completion %, 6.3 YPA The result: Arizona traded their most promising DB and a 2nd round pick AND extended Kolb's contract by 5 years, $63 million. For whatever reason, there's a major dearth of QB talent around the league. Fitz would get paid the big bucks.
  13. How did he manage to get a whiff of anti-corporate sentiment with his head so far up his ass?
  14. Which is one thing I like about this board. There isn't a glut of specific conduct rules (that I'm aware of anyway). Rather, posters are trusted with the efficacy of being respectful. So long as things don't get overtly discourteous or profane, everybody's opinion is welcome. In my opinion, dredging the archives to create "gotcha" moments is in the nebulous gray area of discourtesy. To be fair, PTR's original post falls in the same gray area. However, the man himself (SDS) has spoken and has no problem with this incidence, so maybe I just have a stick up my arse.
  15. I'm not happy with the scenario either, but if you look around the league you'll realize that Fitz probably would've gotten more money if he tested free agency. There are teams that are DESPERATE for the type of middling QB play we've gotten. It's sad but true. Cleveland, KC, Washington, and Seattle immediately come to mind as teams that might cut ties with their current guy and sign Fitz. So at that point, the Bills would've had to choose between a) paying through the nose for Fitz or b) suffering a hit at the QB position. $10 million per year for an above average QB is not ridiculous money.
  16. Which wouldn't be a problem if all the talking heads weren't so convinced of their status as prognosticators. Unwritten rules get broken. In any case, it's pretty classless.
  17. It's a head scratcher. This issue has had a hard enough time being taken seriously...doesn't help that some of the players don't want their own interests protected.
  18. Hopefully the big leagues don't act like the tobacco industry and deny, deny, deny until the science is 100% incontrovertible. The best thing for the NFL and NHL to do is to operate under the assumption of a fatally injurious link between game action and head injuries. Then, adapt. Fans will hate it, but that's where the moral responsibility lies.
  19. That's a valid point. I'll say this - when I have kids, I'll probably try to gear them toward lower risk sports like baseball. Of course, kids can hit their noggins in a variety of situations but with contact sports you're just asking for it. To bbb's point, I'm no C.T.E expert but I'd bet my bottom dollar that the average soccer player's life is a solid 15 years longer than the average football player's. EDIT: And I hope it goes without saying that I'd never advocate to BAN any sports. People make their own decisions, after all. But I'm debating whether or not to offer my tacit support as a fan.
  20. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/06/sports/hockey/derek-boogaard-a-brain-going-bad.html?_r=2&pagewanted=all?src=tp Fascinating stuff. I think I'm reaching a point where I can't morally justify watching football or hockey. Not a judgment on anybody else...just on a personal level, whenever I see a big hit I think... 1) WOW! and then 2) I wonder how many years that knocked off his life? It disturbs the heck out of me.
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