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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I've no doubt that the Bills would have poorly utilized Gronkowski to the point that we'd hate him.
  2. Wow, what? He's been the Sabres' best player. 30 points in 28 games and he's crucial to one of the league's best penalty kills.
  3. There's kooky, then there's drug addled. I think she's the latter, and I suspect she looks about 40 at this point w/o any makeup or airbrushing.
  4. Gray area thing. I don't know where exactly the line is, but there's clearly a limit for what NSFW allows.
  5. It all begins around puberty. Boys notice girls, and girls notice them noticing. And thus the exploitation begins. Which isn't to say it's not a 2-way street. I've seen women yanked around by men too, but the ladies certainly know how to use their wiles. Being 22, I remember 14 all too well. Talk about hormonal goo...
  6. The difference is hard to explain, but I kinda prefer "cute" over "hot". A few of the girls in this video were very cute.
  7. I think you're right. Women have this amazing power where they can rationally decide when, where and with whom they'll have sex. It's baffling.
  8. Can YOU say Jabari Greer and Jim Leonhard?
  9. I swear, if I see one more of these clowns smiling on the sidelines...football is a game for gritting your teeth and frowning!
  10. True enough. In regards to this particular campus, I feel bad for a certain "Trevor" who's apparently been friend-zoned by the cutie in the blue jacket.
  11. My biggest takeaway from that - why didn't I go to Utah State?
  12. Wow. Fitz went to HARVARD? That's not where quarterbacks usually go to school!
  13. A lot of people don't realize that Chapman was also on the cusp of killing James Taylor on December 7 and had a very creepy encounter the morning of December 8 with Lennon's son Sean, outside the Dakota. Deeply disturbed individual. "I'm sure the large part of me is Holden Caufield, who is the main person in the book. The small part of me must be the Devil."
  14. Which is just dumb. Maybe if we were all honest about our weird !@#$ed up sexual stuff, we could not pretend to be outraged whenever a teacher also displays being human. I say this with all sincerity. I apologize, from society, that you're held to a higher standard.
  15. This. I don't know the specifics of Manning's contract - no trade clauses and such - but I'll bet my bottom dollar that if he says no to a trade, it means no.
  16. Hmmm. That's the acting trade for ya. Better than not being remembered. RIP
  17. Man, I hear that. My granddad was Navy, on a ship in the Pacific during WWII. At some juncture, they were ordered to leave drowning Japanese soldiers to die rather than take them as P.O.W's. The details are so vague because they're all I know. He can't talk about anything regarding the war for more than a few seconds without breaking down in tears. Now that dementia has set in, I won't know the whole story. Over time I've come to think it may be better that way.
  18. Are there any books on Iwo Jima that you'd recommend personally? If DC Tom sees this, I've no doubt his two cents are valuable too. Thanks!
  19. I thought Cell started off really well but couldn't carry the weight of its own narrative and petered out. Of course, we're talking Stephen King here so what else is new? As far as the general scope of zombie fiction goes, it was rather middling in my opinion. Season 1 of The Walking Dead was a similar piece of fiction that maintained itself much better. Of course, tv vs. literature is apples to oranges. Under the Dome was just...ugh. Complete waste of time. The damn thing should've been a 60 page novella.
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