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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Samoas are pretty good. I'll take a box of Thin Mints too, and Tagalongs are underrated.
  2. It's like this... Where do most horror movies take place? The woods. Who dies first in horror movies?
  3. Congress should refocus on important stuff, like deciding which baseball players' home runs are legitimate.
  4. 1) The Bills FO hasn't shown any inklings toward racism. 2) However, I do believe there are certain racial undertones to how players are perceived. With myriad exceptions of course, white players are "high motor" and black players are "talented" - the implication being that white players are inherently behind the eight-ball in terms of physical ability, and black players are similarly hamstrung with character issues. When Cam Newton's future was discussed after the draft, I kept seeing comparisons to Jamarcus Russell, of all people. I wonder why...
  5. It's ridiculous that our society can't enjoy women's athletics without some skimpy...oh wow...ya know, skimpy get up. And uhhh...it's just really unfair that the objectifica...damn, umm..... What was I saying?
  6. Two things I can't stand... 1. Those who are intolerant of others 2. The Dutch
  7. I regret seeing The Flintstones movie. Whenever I think of Betty Rubble, it's Rosie O'Donnell
  8. If you watch Favre's Wranglers commercials closely, you can always see Losman somewhere in the background looking creepy.
  9. You'd be singing a different tune if you were one of the orphans that J.P injected with heroin in their sleep...
  10. That's a really personal question, and most of us don't even have vaginas.
  11. Something to take our minds off the Bills' failures. Anyway, I heard that when Losman lived in Buffalo, he used to head into the city in the wee hours of the morning and steal supplies from soup kitchens. He would eat most of the food himself, then make hobos fight over the scraps.
  12. So you buy into that whole "Manning is better than Hamdan" BS? I've seen Peyton Manning play quite a few times...never even caught a whiff of Chroise. Not a whiff!
  13. Hopefully this is Kassian in the future. As it stands, I think Pominville performs his job quite well. He benefits from Vanek, but the vice versa is true too. He's contributed to 31 goals on the young season. That doesn't just randomly happen w/o playing well. The 1st line has held up their end of the bargain. If the same could be said for any of the forwards, the team would be well above .500 and I don't think Pominville would be hearing any criticism.
  14. I think every player has the right to separate their occupational life from everything else. We all do. In other words, whatever happens after that final whistle sounds is their business.
  15. Am I the only one still just ties a string between two plastic cups?
  16. Evans can't beat the rookie that replaced him on the depth chart when he went down injured. I'd say the OP's assessment is correct. The trade was a steal. 10-3 or not, you can bet your ass that the Ravens regret the trade. But I forgot, you're not allowed to say anything positive when the Bills are losing.
  17. Probably the saddest part is that the OP's description of the Dolphins (started winless for a while, but played their hearts out) is also pretty accurate description of the 2010 Bills. That team was 4-12, but it was a team you could be proud of. I wish I knew what happened.
  18. You'll get flamed for your post some, but life is too short to waste time feeling unnecessary ire. No shame in walking away from something that you find unpleasant.
  19. I'd do it in the name of science. Tebow on the Bills? Something would have to give.
  20. Seven trumpets, seven seals, the sky rains blood. You know the deal.
  21. This. I laugh at the "sell the team so we can move on!" logic. If people want so desperately to move on, how hard is it to find another hobby? What, you have no free will? You're obligated to support a team you hate?
  22. One issue is that the average fan seems to have a major problem with the game becoming less violent. The NFL's best interest obviously involves a reduction in injuries, but they (understandably) fear a harsh reaction from fans for any rule changes. While I understand the innate desire to resist change, the game has been evolving since its inception. Back in the day, I'm sure some people thought the forward pass would ruin the game. My first change? Do away with the 3-point stance. This would work wonders with the sub-concussive impact problem.
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