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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I remember reading that. As much as I admire Hitch, that article was a complete crock of **** in my opinion.
  2. Whichever event lent the most immediacy to mainstreaming PC technology.
  3. I've tangoed with the ghost pepper...wouldn't want to try any dish where it's the main ingredient, though.
  4. I hope there's a God...because now there's finally somebody in heaven who will hold him accountable for all the BS. RIP
  5. Well, everything is relative. Compared to his "King of All Media" peak, he's sunk pretty far on the pop culture chart.
  6. Well, it's already hit the small screen. The fan base? Males aged 14-35 known as "Bronies". No, I am not joking. http://www.wired.com/underwire/2011/06/bronies-my-little-ponys/
  7. What's the next toy franchise after Transformers and G.I Joe run out of steam? I've got my money on Pixar doing anthropomorphic Slinkies.
  8. Assuming that wasn't the grossest thing ever, how did it even work? If somebody blindfolds me and says "just start making out", I'm gonna assume it's some disgusting/demeaning prank and not comply. I assume most people would do the same...
  9. Sounds like something from one of those Final Destination movies.
  10. Sorry if the intent of this thread wasn't clear. It was supposed to be a comedic hyperbole thing, not an actual blast on Losman (who I think is a cool guy). Sorta like the Tebow/Chuck Norris thing, but with negative stuff. I thought the ridiculousness of the original post made that evident. Apparently a lot of people thought it was juvenile, so I apologize for making it easily misconstrued.
  11. There's also a definite punctuation correlation. The number of consecutive exclamation points or question marks normally correlates positively with the stupidity of said post.
  12. Astoundlingly, the greatest delusion suffered by many American Christians is that they are a repressed minority.
  13. I've been seeing a lot of Remembering 2011 content. There are 16 solid days left for some !@#$ed up **** to occur.
  14. Thank you. And yes, you can count on a couple jumpers every year. In the 2009-2010 school year, there was a glut of them and the university installed high black fences on the bridges. The townies HATE the fences because they're an eye sore (and I'm also convinced that many of them hate the students to the extent that they aren't disturbed by the jumper stories). This often is the case, but people can also be pretty adept at faking happiness to keep up appearances. Changes in behavior occur, but they don't always become overtly withdrawn.
  15. They're both illegals who work for $2.50 per hour, plus a percentage of whatever they can sell in magazine subscriptions.
  16. I still say the forward pass is going to ruin the game forever. Tomfoolery is what it is.
  17. Oh yeah, he really threw the S&C coaches under the bus...in a private conversation with a family member, which was then allegedly relayed to an anonymous fan, who then paraphrased that secondhand conversation on an internet message board. That's being thrown under the bus if I've ever seen it. Note: This isn't a claim against the OP's veracity.
  18. About 4 years ago when I was a college freshman, I ran into some trouble. Pre-existing social anxiety/avoidance issues prevented me from seeking help and it almost came to the worst. Once, I found myself quite literally on a ledge (a gorge, as it were), considering the leap. After that, I finally called my sister. My family and close friends were all incredibly supportive. I got the necessary help (no medication) and I've been a content person since - not without problems, but they won't cripple me again. In retrospect, it seems so dumb. I'm a very fortunate person in a myriad of ways. Thing is, you can't think logically like that when you're in the depths of it.
  19. In a Christmas miracle, I won't respond sarcastically. As someone who's dragged himself off that ledge, I get a chill when I hear about a successful suicide. Be well, everyone.
  20. I wonder which one will suffer a career ending injury on Day 1 of practice.
  21. Star Wars and Star Trek get altogether too much play in the perception of nerds anyway. We Simpsons nerds are pathetic sexless obsessives too ya know.
  22. I'll say this, so Dr. D doesn't have to for a 3rd time. Pears did not "get" an extension, nor did the Bills "give" him one. The two sides negotiated for a contract. The Bills have not currently come to such terms with Jackson or Johnson, more accurately with their agents. If this organization just went around granting whatever contracts the players wanted, it would be a messier mess than it already is. Two-way street. EDIT: sorry, Dr. I was too late.
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