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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Oh, I certainly hoped for it too. The name Drew Brees started to float around in my head. After his first 3 seasons, he was marginal at best and soon after suffered a career-threatening injury, but turned himself into a Hall of Famer. I won't blame Fitz for being average. That's the player he is. I will blame the Bills FO for breaking the most fundamental rule of contract negotiations, which is to not sign a player at the absolute height of his value.
  2. Fitz has regressed, but not generally as a quarterback. He's simply regressed to the mean. Heading into this season, his career QB rating (not a perfect stat, but a good barometer nonetheless) was 75.6. This season, he's at 80.6. What people don't realize (and apparently the Bills management is part of this group) is that football players don't just wake up one morning as an improved player. We see changes, positive or negative, and assume they are permanent. Usually they aren't. Fitz' career is now sizable enough that we can assume he won't be making any miraculous steps forward. He's a pretty typical nice backup/marginal starter. In an NFL with a mysterious dearth of talent at the QB position, he's an average starter.
  3. The actual spirit of the thread is correct, I think - after watching both Freddie and CJ run it amazes me that the Bills are so pass-happy on offense.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NFL_teams_with_multiple_1000_yard_rushers It's been done 3 times in the last 5 years.
  5. Honestly, that was just a cool TD celebration. Where's the logic in that stupid "going to the ground" rule?
  6. Have you seen Roscoe's attempts at returning over the last couple years?
  7. Didn't realize the numbers were that bad. I've got all the respect in the world for a little dude like Roscoe who chooses football as a profession, but it's time to cut ties now that his marketable skill (returning) is moot.
  8. No doubt. In some instances, I think coaches can't see the forest for the trees and fans actually have a better analytic angle. A good example is that pretty much everybody on this board knew Trent was done before Chan anointed him the starter in 2010. My beef is the assumption that the guys sitting on the bench will be magically better than the guys on the field - especially at QB. Everyone from Levi Brown to Brian Brohm has, at some point, been illogically championed as the white knight to save the Bills.
  9. Unfair to stereotype. Some of the affluent board members want Roscoe back too.
  10. That's because fans of sucky teams always want the backups to play, so once in a while they're bound to be right. Bills fans also recently "caught on" to the greatness of Levi Brown, Trent Edwards, Arthur Moats, Joique Bell and Jonathan Stupar.
  11. He lives with a bunch of cows, so I can see where that would be fun.
  12. Wasn't the Jason Pierre Paul pick pretty much universally panned when the Giants made it?
  13. I assume not, or else our wildest dreams would've already come true. You gonna finish those tots?
  14. Chris Kelsay for team captain...because your wildest dreams will come true.
  15. Interesting, and thanks for the tips. I've a soft spot for all kinds of peppers as well. Most chilis I've had contain beans...matter of semantics I suppose.
  16. Well, to each man his own opinion. I'm an agnostic who enjoys debating religion and I've come across my share of holier-than-thou douches. Tebow strikes me as very sincere and peace-loving in his convictions.
  17. I think "zealot" isn't fair. He approaches his religion with zeal, so yeah, technically...but that word connotes a sort of aggressive fanaticism that I don't detect from Tebow. As far as I can tell, his faith is open and public but he doesn't proselytize or speak negatively of those with different faiths.
  18. Winter is chili season, and a lot of guys swear by their patented chili recipe, so I thought I'd open up a forum. I'm an Irish-Mexican American mutt, so here's what I do... Sage's Pot O' (Gold) Guinness Chili: - 1.5 pounds beef chuck, diced - 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes - 2 tbsp. olive oil - 1 tsp. crushed red pepper - 1 tsp. cumin - 2 small onions, minced - 2 cloves garlic, minced - 3 jalapeno peppers, minced - 1.5 bottles Guinness (the other half to be drunk by the chef) - 1.5 dry cups pinto beans (soaked overnight) - salt to taste - Cholula hot sauce (or Frank's) to taste Served over a bed of rice, and sprinkled with extra sharp cheddar cheese.
  19. Meh, should've beat Cincy and NYG, but Oakland and NE should've easily put us away too. It evens out. 5-8 is just about accurate.
  20. What kind of conversations can one pretend to have with an infant daughter? This intrigues me.
  21. This thread shouldn't go without mention of the Civil Rights Movement. I hold its leaders in the same regard as the signers of the Declaration - people who threw life and limb to the wind in defense of what they knew to be right in their hearts. As for a specific event...The "I have a dream" speech? Rosa Parks and the bus boycott? Passing of the Civil Rights Act? EDIT: Montgomery Bus Boycott occurred 56 years ago.
  22. The newest facebook interface is pretty crazy. That's my vote.
  23. I think Doris deserves at least two seasons to implement her system.
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