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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. See, there's the disconnect. I don't think a region's identity has very much to do with the success of its sports franchises. When you think of Seattle, what comes to mind? Starbucks, the grunge movement, technology...not the Mariners sucking and the Sonics leaving. If Buffalo has nothing else going for it except having an NFL franchise, that's not Ralph Wilson's fault. As for Ralph, I certainly wish he were a more competent football guy, but I don't think he's scum.
  2. Kelly: "I will take your mother, Dorothy Fitzpatrick, out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER call her again! Fitzpatrick: "DOROTHY FITZPATRICK IS A SAINT! A SAINT!"
  3. That was funnier than the actual Letterman Top 10s, but then again so is pancreatic cancer.
  4. I watched the first 3 seasons of Dexter before growing tired of it. Pretty good show. As a dabbler in abnormal psychology, one thing that always struck me is that Dex doesn't really fit the profile for Antisocial PD at all.
  5. I like the part where you did an irresponsibly cursory look at Wilson's life and then pretended to know what the man does/doesn't care about. Are you under the impression that most NFL owners are ravenous football fans who just happen upon a billion dollars?
  6. I'm worried about passing it to my progeny, so I'd consider an elective surgery.
  7. Think of all the good that could be done if scientists isolate the Bills Fan gene and destroy it.
  8. Seriously. It was like watching a gazelle run, as opposed to a giraffe.
  9. Oh yeah? http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=222671&title=games-the-annihilator
  10. I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!
  11. Did it need to be said? I check all my pawns for scoliosis.
  12. Nothing more important to a well-game played of Chess than pawn structure. Any good player will tell you the same.
  13. Yeah! That imaginary thing they said that you just made up is unbelievable!
  14. To wit on San Jose's point, not every thought that digs deeper than "they suck" is a rationalization. We all saw the team improve considerably toward the end of 2010 and we all saw some truly inspiring football at the beginning of 2011 before something drastically changed.
  15. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/140053-kim-jong-il-is-dead/page__pid__2339724#entry2339724 It was gonna end up there anyway.
  16. According to the AP: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5izIlSjdJ6OnbxnvsA8REol_H-PpA?docId=e4eb9efdbd884d2fbff01ada250d87de I'm sure his son will prove to be just as much of a psychotic a-hole, but for now...rot in hell, B word.
  17. Good points all. One tangible effect on those without the disease is that AIDS has put the fear of God into everybody regarding unsafe sex. Suddenly, pregnancy and the clap are concerns #2 and #3. It will be intriguing to see how the situation plays itself out in Sub-Saharan Africa, where approximately 75% of AIDS fatalities occur. Despite Western intervention, like you mentioned, approximately 6% of that region is currently infected, including 17% in South Africa. Between lack of awareness, resistance to knowledge, teenage prostitution, etc. those numbers probably won't sink very soon.
  18. If we're talking both domestic and international, the introduction of HIV/AIDS to humanity was pretty huge.
  19. Did it, though? The defense looks even worse than last year and Reggie Bush just gashed us (primarily straight up the middle) for 200 yards. I think Dareus has a bright future and the flashes we've seen have been brilliant, but I wouldn't attach the word "definite" onto anything regarding this defense.
  20. If the Bills just lose every game for the next 10 seasons, they'll be the greatest team in the history of the NFL (draft).
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