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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. $180 for basketball shoes? I know people value things differently, but to me that's just absurd.
  2. That's an annoying one for sure. To play devil's advocate, people ultimately decide the meanings of words and one could argue that "unique" has become conflated with "irregular" over time.
  3. Psychologically, children are self-centered by nature.
  4. The sad part is that Dave was on the verge of making a somewhat funny self-deprecating joke. Then his fingers got in the way.
  5. I'm pretty neutral on the Toronto situation, but Ralph sure doesn't have a good sense of timing.
  6. #3 from "Reading" - Give one stanza of a poem from your favorite author. What % of today's 8th graders have read any poetry of their own volition? Fixed it for ya
  7. Yes, I can't really say that I'm too well versed in WV health resorts.
  8. There are a number of undesirable locations in the Top 10, Buffalo perhaps being the most undesirable, but I doubt that the Bills specifically scared him away.
  9. The gonorrhea ridden septuagenarian invited his idiotic friends onto his dirigible, where he delivered a fallacious speech about even-toed ungulates with multiple humps, and even they, nitwits that they were, understood that his example of the single-humped dromedary was an antithesis to his cause.
  10. You sir, are a gentleman and scholar. I love 'Harangue', and as a Scrabbler there's a special place in my heart for 'Quell'.
  11. The names that Carey Bender listed are all great WRs, but context has to be taken into account. If Stevie was on the Saints or Patriots, he'd be a household name. I have no doubt about it. And Stevie has 16 TDs and counting over the last two seasons.
  12. Yes, can't believe I omitted it. I wonder if it's being done in by overuse, though.
  13. Not in terms of their meaning or implication...just aesthetics. My favorites: Dirigible Septuagenarian Nitwit Dromedary Fallacious Antithesis Gonorrhea
  14. 07-08 Giants have to be included too. Eli was pretty awful that year... 23 TD 20 INT 56.1 % completion 73.9 QB Rating 6.3 yards per attempt 13 fumbles Defense can win championships with below average QB play. Roethlisberger's first SB season was largely a defensive effort as well.
  15. He was the go-to guy for Favre, along with Harvin. I wouldn't have any problem with signing him.
  16. This is a good point. The few times that the Bills actually use play action, I can usually sniff it out from my living room couch. Doesn't seem to fool linebackers either.
  17. Three of my best friends are Eagles/Giants/Jets fans, so when those teams win I can at least be happy for them. Least favorite is the Pats and I can't stand to see the Cowboys win either.
  18. You guys don't suppose this has anything to do with the fact that the goalkeeper is Costa Rican and the hooligan is Dutch, do you?
  19. It's ok, the kids get gym class 3 days a week before sitting on a couch all day and watching TV. But running has probably been outlawed because it leads to the slower kids getting bullied. And you can't exactly expect kids to exercise AFTER school. If kids play outside with friends, they might meet strange adults and die!
  20. The heavy-handed approach is all wrong, of course, but whoever decided that corn dogs, processed chicken nuggets and sugary milk were decent nutrition in the first place is more culpable. EDIT: Better yet - parents, send your kids to school with a couple of PB & J sandwiches and an apple. Maybe it's not quinoa and black eyed pea salad, but it gets the job done and it costs about $1.
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