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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. It's tough to feel remorse for the guy who killed Obi Wan, but RIP I guess.
  2. I'll add a couple more points to the original post too... 19. Will Lindells detractors now admit the value in having a kicker who consistently knocks it in from 45 yards and fewer? 20. The turning point of the season was Game #1 against the Jets. Just like the fans, I think the Bills roster severely raised their expectations and the suffered a BIG morale hit when they were physically dominated. They then proceeded to play the Cowboys and Dolphins games like a bunch of unmotivated schlubs. Unlike the fans, professional football players get paid to have short memories and move on to the next game. Those efforts were inexcusable and they essentially ended the season IMO. By the time the Bills started playing with heart once again, it was too late and they were too injured. On top of that, the bounces stopped going their way. Luck is a bigger factor on a game-to-game basis than most think.
  3. Starters get cut all the time, especially when their play doesn't validate their contract. I think Kelsay is the perfect example of this type of player. Among the other players I listed, all are depth. Yeah, I'm not on the sideline or in the locker room, but it's hard to believe that George Edwards did anything this season that merits sticking around. He seems like a "Peter Principle" type. Promoted to a level where he could no longer be competent. Kelsay is a strangely polarizing figure. If he was a backup on a successful team who chipped in a few sacks every year, he'd be a fan favorite. As a starter on a bad team who makes way too much money, he's reviled by many fans. I don't revile Kelsay. I'm just amazed that a depth-level player has survived for nearly a decade on an NFL roster as a starter. As I stated above, it's a contract thing. However, if Kelsay is so beloved in the locker room that his departure would severely lower morale once again, sure, keep him around.
  4. 1. 6-10 again. Ugh. 2. I have to admit there were more thrills than your typical 6-10 season. As a young fan who started watching in 1999, a 5-2 start that included a dramatic comeback W over the hated rival has inherent value. 38-35 is easily my best memory as a Bills fan and I won't forget it because of what occurred later in the season. 3. I don't believe Chan Gailey is the answer, but I also don't believe the perpetual 3-year coaching carousel is beneficial. Would the new hire honestly be any better, given Ralph's track record? My vote is for continuity since I don't believe that the front office has the capacity to change in a positive direction. 4. CJ Spiller is a player. Sorry, but I'm taking this opportunity to say "told ya so". 5. But so is Fred Jackson. Will the Bills have a rare moment of competence and realize that both players can be used in equitable measure? 6. I believe Marcel Dareus has a bright future. He didn't change his team's fortunes like Newton, Miller and Green but I'll be surprised if he's not one of our 3 best players by next season. 5.5 sacks for a rookie DT is impressive. After Kyle Williams and Shawne Merriman were gone in the blink of an eye, the onus was on Dareus to carry the DL on his shoulders and he wasn't capable of it. Too much to expect from a rookie. Let's see what he can do with a supporting cast. 7. It hurts my brain to think the Brad Smith makes $4 million per year instead of the veteran minimum. 8. Nick Barnett was a good signing. As was the case with Dareus, the other LBs were awful and one man can only do so much. He made a variety of big plays this year. 9. Fitzpatrick - I like the guy and I certainly can't blame him for signing a starter's contract after several years of making relative pennies. But he's a backup/borderline starter level QB and always will be. Shame on the Bills FO for signing a player at the absolute peak of his value. 10. Sign Stevie Johnson. It sucks that he can't learn from his mistakes, but I shudder at next season's offense without him. Despite everything, I respect the effort he put in all season with multiple injuries. Some guys just can't get out of their own way, though. 11. Props to Andy Levitre. He was on pace for a Pro bowl type season until every other OL started tearing ACLs and separating shoulders etc. He had to play a variety of positions and only failed at Center. 12. Eric Wood is probably the Bills' best player, relative to other NFL starters at his position. But 2 devastating leg injuries now? Let's hope that Wood has another long rehab in him mentally and physically. 13. Speaking of injuries, it was just ridiculous this season. Every game it seemed like at least 2 guys went down with serious maladies. It's no excuse for poor play because GB won a Superbowl in similar conditions. But what's the deal? Poor conditioning? Just snake bit? 14. It seems like Chris Kelsay is one of the best people in the NFL. You can tell by the way his teammates celebrate his rare successes, and the media always seems to reach him for comment. He's the type of guy I'd like to have a beer with. He should be cut. 15. Other players that need to get gone, or at least stuck to the bench: Andra Davis, Leodis McKelvin, Roscoe Parrish, Reggie Corner, Alex Carrington, Torell Troupe, Donald Jones, Tyler Thigpen 16. Players that were surprisingly good: Erik Pears, Kraig Urbik, Scott Chandler, Aaron Williams, Jairus Byrd (who I wrote off as a one year wonder). 17. It sucks that Corey McIntyre never got utilized as a short yardage back. 18. Let's go Buffalo. As always.
  5. I texted my friend during the game, Being a Bills fan means taking a 21-0 lead and saying "damn, if this was the 4th quarter we'd have a shot!".
  6. As to the OP's point, I think the offense's biggest strength this year was the OL's ability to open up running lanes, combined with the abilities of two dynamic rushers. Gailey was either unwilling or unable to use this to his advantage. Using today as an example, Spiller was a pretty automatic 4-5 yards against the Pats but Gailey opted to pass the ball on 76% of our offensive downs (we rushed the ball 20 times out of 66 plays, but I only count 14 of those because 5 were scrambles by Fitz and 1 was the fake punt).
  7. Fitzpatrick's tenure in the NFL is long enough to safely say "he is who he is". He's no longer an up-and-comer. IMO, Fitz is the ideal backup...smart, all about the team, could win you a couple games in the starter's absence. As usual, the Bills FO was too incompetent to realize this.
  8. The Maya got it wrong. The world will end during an unnecessary booth review of the Bills' Superbowl winning TD.
  9. I resolve to purchase the Bills. I've got about 10 billion dollars lying around and I tire of bathing in it.
  10. Time heals wounds. Not all wounds, but most of 'em. At some point, I think after the 2nd Jets loss, I just started laughing at it. Only the Bills could take a 21-0 lead and turn it into a 49-21 loss.
  11. I shudder to think that you're getting out early. But in complete honesty, do you think you can really just give it up? Can you train yourself to stop having an emotional reaction? Can you think to yourself "I no longer care", and just make it so? Might be more complicated than you think.
  12. A ham? Bills fanship is like the Hotel California...you can check out any time you like, but you can never leeeeave.
  13. He's a better comedian than she is a singer. Not that I'm a fan of Brand's, but she is just awful listening.
  14. I agree with this. I'm an understanding person, but when a guy becomes rich after not having much money and he ends up blowing it all on extravagances instead of savoring the many small comforts it can provide, that says something about his character. If I ever become a multi-millionaire, most of that money is getting saved and split between charity and progeny upon my death. I mean, sure, buy a nicer house. Become a wine collector. Take an annual vacation. Treat your friends and family to a nice dinner every once in a while. That's what I consider the high life to be, not wasting thousands of dollars on a daily basis.
  15. All of this makes sense. However, to the extent that Hearst and Pulitzer permanently exploded the propaganda industry, doesn't mainstream (read: lazy) journalism simply reflect what a pre-conceived (and then market tested) audience wants to hear? And within the dollars and cents schema of big media, wouldn't the aspirations of the idealistic cub reporter be rendered moot? Obama is the most ready example...most are convinced that the media consistently softens the blows earned from his incompetence, but given his exceedingly low approval ratings there MUST be more advertising revenue to be had by twisting the knife, rather than trying to pull it out.
  16. With the assumption that a certain general bias does exist (not so much the vast conspiracy that some imagine, but a liberal bent nonetheless), what do you suppose is its impetus? What benefit does the media, news organizations in particular, gain from skewing information to the left? I've really no opinion of my own, so I'm not trying to drive home a point...just curious as to your opinions.
  17. 2,200 all purpose yards in 4 straight years. Might be having one of the quietest HOF careers in NFL history.
  18. I don't think that's a "that guy" statement. Cultures (American black culture included) place varying levels of value on objects/experiences. "That guy" is the person who says, "Haha! Stupid black people and their expensive sneakers!", while sipping a $10 venti frozen caramel mocha choco-latte with soy milk.
  19. Out of the millions of reasons to blast the Bills FO, speculation by Mel Kiper isn't one of them.
  20. Incidentally, another of my favorites: Portmanteau
  21. Well, the beard attention is obviously his own doing, but I think the media took the wedding ring item and ran with it.
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