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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'm not an X's and O's guy, but don't the Patriots use the spread quite a bit?
  2. Not The Onion's best effort, but "Easily this year's once-in-a-generation prospect" made me laugh.
  3. I still think Eric Wood is the better player, and that's who we wound up getting in compensation. Not the Bills fault that he's had bad injury luck.
  4. Wow, I've never even heard of an 18% beer. Strongest I've ever had was a 13.2% coffee stout. Anyway, that's a funny story. Any man who tells you he didn't nearly choke on his first shot of liquor is a liar. EDIT: You can tell your son he tried the 43rd strongest beer in the world http://www.ratebeer.com/Ratings/TopAlcohol.asp
  5. Must have been a moment. I turned 21 last year. Never used a fake ID so ordering a drink for the first time was pretty cool. Magic Hat #9 at the local pizza restaurant.
  6. Not all spoiled. Gotta love the little girl around 1:20 who's seemingly quite happy with her stick of deodorant.
  7. Best to get in some last shots before the joke officially expires. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself...
  8. It's an awesome prank to play. Best played on an older kids/adults, because you get to watch them squirm and play the "pretend you love it" game.
  9. You're right. 1) Masturbation . . . 9) Garbage time touchdowns
  10. My brother got me good this year. Got me a $50 Barnes and Noble gift card (my ideal gift), but hid it inside a Linkin Park CD case. He even shrink-wrapped it.
  11. The world doesn't suck. To name just a few awesome things... 1. Sex 2. Ham 3. Guinness 4. Boobs 5. Runner's high 6. The literature of Hemingway 7. The sacrifice bunt 8. Girl scout cookies 9. Game winning field goals
  12. My mom's name is Jill, so the new thread title makes me rather...uncomfortable.
  13. Agreed. Fitz was disappointing down the stretch w/o most of his receivers, but the fact is that the offense went from 17 ppg in 2010 to 23 ppg in 2011. The defense went from 26 ppg allowed in 2010 to 27 ppg allowed in 2011.
  14. "One thing that won't factor into my decision is money. Being at Clemson, I've got more money and more resources than I've ever had in my whole life." Somehow it didn't attract any follow up questions...
  15. And Barnes & Noble owns the books in their store for the same reason. Because they purchased them from a publisher, who purchased them from a writer. If everybody just stole the product, commercial demand would decline, directly taking money from the writer's pocket. "Happy Birthday" is protected by copyright. Sunny Birchard Music (now part of the TW AOL conglomerate) paid for it. And it wasn't cheap. $25 million. Your initial claim was - how do you own a sound? Back that up.
  16. Did you invent those things? I don't understand your point. Writing a piece of music is no different than writing a book. Should it be legal to head into your local Barnes and Noble, take whatever you please, and then head out the door? EDIT: didn't notice tgreg made the exact same point.
  17. In other news, Mars' planetary debt rises into the billions.
  18. Well, when the sound is somebody's intellectual property and you don't pay for it....
  19. As Mike Huckabee can attest, Iowa isn't much of a barometer. Still pretty strange to see the frothy mixture back in the mix.
  20. It's about context. When your passing game is Drew Brees throwing to Colston, Graham and Meacham, throw the ball like crazy. When it's Aaron Rodgers throwing to Jennings, Finley and Nelson, do the same. Tom Brady throwing to Welker, Gronkowski and Hernandez...well, you get the picture. When you've got Ryan Fitzpatrick back there and a ragtag bunch of receivers and TEs, AND your two most explosive players are your two running backs, you run the ball. Whether it's a passing league or not.
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