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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. The thread has already tossed one poster into the arms of a Jim Carrey movie. Who's the next victim?
  2. Maybe I'll just find a Bills message board where the mods aren't so obviously in bed with the penguin lobby.
  3. Please set aside some time on Saturday to think about anything except penguins.
  4. If your name isn't Jason Pominville, you just don't score apparently.
  5. I certainly wondered what he was smoking after the Troup pick. We already have Fitzpatrick and McKelvin, now you want Kirkpatrick? I've got no problem with Irish folks, but they've never been known for football prowess.
  6. I tend to think Jeopardy is a little more equal opportunity, though. You still see quite a few 40 year old virgin types.
  7. Funny thing is, my 10 year old self would've nailed that one without a second thought. I incessantly read solar system books as a kid. But for some reason I said Saturn. Like you said, brain farts.
  8. Just took it too PTR...I got 42 out of 50 correct, 4 toss ups, 4 definitely incorrect. Kicking myself over the Neptune one. I got an audition for Teen Jeopardy several years back but didn't get on the show. Good luck to ya! I wish I knew what the barrier is for getting an audition...I wonder if it's a pre-determined score or a specific percentile.
  9. I like your analysis. This thread isn't about the people who like to keep tabs on former Bills and monitor their performance. It's about the guy that starts 15 threads grinding his teeth about Aaron Maybin picking up a few sacks for the Jets, or the guy who delights in seeing Lee Evans injured and struggling in Baltimore. I guess I just don't understand the pettiness toward people we don't even know.
  10. I agree that the inferiority complex has a lot to do with it. Guys like Willis McGahee reinforce it. Others, I think, genuinely like the small town feel. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, right? Stevie Johnson shows a lot of love for Buffalo, but some people have concocted this fantasy where he can't wait to leave.
  11. ...is staggering and pathetic. A friend of mine told me that he wants to see Baltimore and San Fran in the SB so that he can see Whitner and Evans simultaneously tear their ACLs on a tackle. Haven't seen anything so extreme on this board, but the word "hate" does fly quite a bit. Why the hate?
  12. I'm sick and tired of comments like this from people who clearly have NO UNDERSTANDING of the cat skinning business. There is one way to skin a cat. One!
  13. And it's not a comment on the content of character of the US military as some will try to spin both of these incidents...simply a reminder that the military is a cross section of the US population just like any other profession and there are bound to be some bad eggs.
  14. In the same category of this post... http://www.bluestatepress.com/politics2/news_046.htm US Soldiers beating a sheep to death with a baseball bat. Graphic content. EDIT: and no, I'm not normally on the "Blue State Press"...just happened to be the site I was linked to.
  15. Haha thanks guys. I thought the guy could use a proper sendoff, seeing as he's nobly leaving to get a life and all.
  16. Appreciate your analysis on the under-the-radar guys, Damond. Can't imagine a better name than Travaris Cadet. Never heard about him til now (obviously) but a tough kid like that might be worth a look in the 7th round or as an UDFA.
  17. Agreed. American politics seems to be 50% blame, 49% proselytism and 1% solutions.
  18. I don't believe in this sliding scale of morality. The fact that there is truly horrendous stuff in the world doesn't make the desecration of a dead body ok. It'd be like slapping your dog around and having people defend you because Johnson down the street killed his wife.
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