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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. They don't call it the loud, excruciating killer for nothing.
  2. If I'm Manning, the Dolphins are as undesirable as the Bills.
  3. Sounds like Sammy in particular might have antisocial personality disorder. I would think you'd know better than to paint rodents with a broad brush.
  4. Remember how angry everyone was when the Bills didn't take Jimmy Clausen?
  5. I had the same thoughts. I was more impressed that the rats could actually figure out the release mechanism. I assumed that level of sentience was beyond them.
  6. That's what paper bags and doggy style are for.
  7. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/336819/title/He’s_no_rat%2C_he’s_my_brother Not too surprising given they're social animals, but still pretty neat stuff.
  8. Not only that, but apparently Paterno's actions necessitate an eternity of fiery torture. I'm glad I don't believe in Hell, what an awful concept.
  9. Well, to be fair...you seem to care quite a bit more as well.
  10. Weird paradox, this one...as the length of the dismal stretch increases, a sense of immediacy arises - they have to make the playoffs NOW. But I believe it's this sense of immediacy that has prevented any of the Coach/GM regimes from gaining a foothold for consistency.
  11. I guess I just don't see the issue with such a nice tribute. In some cultures, infants are tattooed...I'm aware that's not American culture but I don't think there's any inherent wrongness to it. Huh?
  12. This is pretty much where I am. I will forgive any person's mistakes to a point of neutrality, but the perpetual canonization of Paterno in that whackadoo football obsessed town is disturbing. I hope the man's family can find peace.
  13. As always, the world is shades of grey. 10 is young but I think it's plenty old enough to grasp concepts like grief and paying homage to a fallen loved one. In the words of John Lennon, "Whatever gets you through the night...it's alright."
  14. When I was seven, I stapled my eyebrow to impress a girl in class. I don't think the crying helped.
  15. I'm going to double down on this and say there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
  16. Kinda funny how the 2 worst NFL franchises of the last decade are the ones representing the NFL internationally. Next, the Browns to Mexico?
  17. Oh, don't get me wrong...I don't WANT to see it happen. But the Clippers obviously aren't allowed to have two top-10 players for an entire season.
  18. I'm still fully expecting Blake Griffin to break his pelvis during pre-game warmups or something.
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