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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Sports leagues are businesses and businesses have the right to refuse service to anybody. If they deem hateful language a reason for expulsion, it's their prerogative under the eyes of the law. That's an example of the 1st amendment in action, not the other way around as you seem to be implying.
  2. Please don't. Some people consider it a virtue to be jaded and combative. To those people, anybody who doesn't approach the world with an "us versus them" mentality is deemed a naive child. I don't buy it and I never will. The world's a beautiful place with mostly good people in it.
  3. I think the mistake that you and others are making is that you assume every discussion about terminology (and how it relates to our treatment of each other) has a basis in PC. Whether or not you choose to accept it, language can be caustic. I don't see how talking about it reasonably hurts anything. This whole thread has been reasonable IMO.
  4. Ok then, how about this...people should just be nice to one another. I don't really care about political correctness. If somebody tells me that a word makes them uncomfortable, I'll find a different word to use. If a large group of people takes the stance that a word is offensive for a logical reason, I'll take the time to spread that message. In the particular case of homosexuals, yes, the sort of people that use "faggot" as a pejorative are generally responsible for their plight.
  5. This, I agree with. I realize that the reason for the commonality of 'nigga' in the black community is an attempt to take ownership of the word. If the goal, though, is to limit the use of the word in a hateful sense, I can't think of anything more counter intuitive than to intentionally propagate it. Then again, I've never been subject to hate speech so I might be missing some of the logic.
  6. Used to be socially acceptable to taunt white athletes on the premise that they had a quarter or an eighth "!@#$ blood". Ty Cobb beat up a fan for it once. Might be fun for you to call Brady faggot, queer, homo, but the clear implication is that homosexuality is shameful. Perhaps I take the issue too seriously, but it's better than not taking it seriously enough. If you were being completely tongue in cheek with your comment, I apologize.
  7. I think George Carlin had a routine about this, except substitute the American West for Antarctica.
  8. "Men make mistakes, Jack. What you did was a Whoopsadaisy, like a woman or a child." - Hank Hooper
  9. This is the top story from reddit, one of the most massive communities on the internet. Moderators have verified that this is not a scam, and they generally take their responsibility very seriously. I've already donated a sum of money representative of my savings. http://imgur.com/HWTH9 Donations can be given through paypal to the following site or sent by mail to the address provided on the "Donate" tab. Any donations received by Omari's organization in the next week will go toward this stated goal. The goal of $2,000 for a cement/barb wired wall has been met and exceeded and all further donations will go toward food and supplies for the orphans. http://www.longonoteducation.org/index.html Further detail behind this story is below, for those who care to read. If you are skeptical that money is going to the right place, I understand completely, but I believe most posters here know that I wouldn't vouch for such a thing without confidence. Thank you for your time.
  10. I've always liked Lindell. Some here on TSW have called into question his value, but we all saw what happens with a replacement level guy like Rayner. I'll take solid.
  11. Think about it. If the snap never gets to the holder, what role does the kicker even play? I'm all for drafting a long snapper #10 and then trading back into the 1st round for a kicker.
  12. Nah, they probably just signed up for Netflix or something.
  13. You guys are ridiculous. Sanborn might not be the type of long snapper that can win games single-handedly, but Patrick Mannelly ain't walkin' through that door! Is Sanborn a franchise long snapper? No. Do we need to create yet another hole (one which we'd realistically have to spend a 1st or 2nd rounder to replace)? No.
  14. This seems like a funny story, but it's not. Somewhere there was a woman waiting 15 minutes for her McNuggets who couldn't get through to a dispatcher.
  15. It's disturbing to know that people like this guy exist.
  16. Exactly. It's difficult to view such a lucrative/popular career with much foresight, but when Mr. Williams is a 50 year old man with the brain of a 90 year old he'll wish that he stepped away.
  17. It's simple. Repeated knee injuries shorten careers, repeated head injuries shorten lives. There's legal, then there's right.
  18. I pity him. I pity his children more, who seemingly know their father primarily through the context of caustic child support litigation.
  19. No! Mushrooms can't treat depression and anxiety because they are WRONG. They cause hallucinations! We need more pharmaceutical concoctions that cause heart attack, stroke, dry mouth, sore throat, nausea, stomach ulcers, flu-like symptoms, rectal bleeding and, in rare cases, death.
  20. Proud nerd here. If I showed you guys how I really spend my time on the internet, I'd get banned.
  21. Discussion about animal testing always reminds me of this from The Onion... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6CSIFi78Nw
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