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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Relevant question... Is the drastic upward change in the velocity of information proliferation rendering the "fourth estate", and thus its objectivity, moot? How many of us, honestly, depend on journalists to stay current?
  2. The entire thing was never anything but conjecture. Stories like this won't quiet the conspiracy theorists, but any rational person can understand that there's been absolutely no evidence of a potential move, outside of "well, it seems like something that might happen."
  3. I said a hip hop the hippy the hippy to the hip hip hop ya don't stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the bang bang boogie, the beat
  4. Not just Southeast Louisiana, the whole deep south! Apparently the OP never read Faulkner.
  5. Jules Verne was my favorite author when I was a kid. I'm trying to pay as little attention as possible while his greatest stories are being raped.
  6. Are people actually more easily offended today, or is that a truism? Off the top of my head, dueling is no longer an acceptable response to a perceived offense. Let's face it...humans are social animals that tend to get emotional. That's past, present and future.
  7. I'm going to see if I can install one of those next to the dorsal fin of my laser shark.
  8. So what then? Is there some magical machine that turns their animal noises into human voices?
  9. Every All Star game is dumb. I'd much prefer to see an advanced skills competition.
  10. Homer: 1898 House? Ugggh, too late to save Lincoln. Too early to save Kennedy. Lisa: You could save McKinley! Homer: Its not a time machine, Lisa! EDIT - whoops, that'd be Moe not Lisa.
  11. This is one of the best 1st posts ever. Your nephew is a better writer than most adults.
  12. http://www.theonion.com/articles/are-bugs-mad-at-us,27189/
  13. You're correct in that it can't be dismissed. Having said that, I'm still waiting for somebody to provide something other than anecdotal evidence surrounding this supposed conspiracy. My suspicion: Everybody is on super high alert when one of the "golden boy" teams (Dallas, NE, NYJ) gets a favorable call that our perception is that it happens more often. What's the reality?
  14. To play devil's advocate here, what IS the appropriate time period on this sort of thing? Roberto Clemente died tragically while providing aid to earthquake relief in Nicaragua. Would somebody be a creep for selling Clemente memorabilia? As for the $3.2 million...he's living in a fantasy world.
  15. I never really study the draft in-depth, so I'll take your word for it. A bigger reason though, I'm sure, is that Wannstedt's specialty is the 4-3.
  16. That's what lamb and veal are for. Just ask jboyst.
  17. It sounds like what you're trying to say is...you lifted it up and then put it down. And then lifted it up and put it down.
  18. This was mostly from people who conflated the base 4-3 scheme with the ineffective Cover 2 that Jauron ran quite ineffectively. The abject failure of the 3-4 experiment notwithstanding, I embrace this news. The Bills simply didn't have the pass rushing LBs.
  19. As a Mad Men fan, I'm psyched to see Joel Murray in a leading role. This movie should be good for some catharsis...who among us hasn't seethed in rage for just a split second at some of the stuff in that preview?
  20. And this thought extends to more than just post-touchdown stuff. I can't count the number of times I've seen defenders launch themselves at RBs and whiff because they wanted to make a highlight tackle instead of wrapping up. Or how about the NBA, where a highlight block gets you on the Top 10...the part you don't see is the 10 other times where the exact same effort puts the opponent on the charity stripe.
  21. And I take one every month, whether I need it or not.
  22. Whenever somebody in the movies gets trapped in the woods (usually during winter), a pack of wolves tries to eat them. Now I'm no wildlife expert, but I know that humans aren't a wolf's natural prey, and also that wolves are intelligent enough to know that humans are dangerous. So wouldn't a wolf only hunt a man if it was near starving? Just conjecture. (and yes, I know movies are rarely accurate in their depiction of anything)
  23. San Diego safety Eric Weddle recorded 4 deflected passes, plus an interception for a touchdown to go along with his free $50,000 for winning. He's probably pretty happy to have shown up.
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