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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Thanks for being here, Ice. We love to live vicariously through your Packers. I think a lot of posters would single the Pack out as their 2nd favorite team. Offseason is indeed long, but my favorite sport is baseball anyway.
  2. Being rich and horny is plenty cool, but he shouldn't have gotten married.
  3. Humphries? The power forward from the Nets? What? edit: ooohhh, that...sometimes I wanna just not live on this planet.
  4. Sanchezzzzz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwvTPNMEEGI
  5. If the Bills ever won 3 Superbowls in 4 years, I'd never feel raw about another loss. A mere 7 years later and Pats fans are eating their own. Spoiled.
  6. I can see it both ways. The faux "hatred" of the rival is a fun part of sports. People go overboard with it, though. I find that there's a distaste for objectivity on this message board.
  7. That's the kind of video you watch in full screen. "And I was so confident that the Patriots would win, I ate like there was no tomorrow." - I guess even the most beautiful women fish for compliments.
  8. Congrats! These posts always remind me of October 16, 2003. Aaron Boone takes down the Red Sox in Game 7 with a mighty swing and my beautiful niece is born a half hour later.
  9. These sum up my thoughts on the matter.
  10. Who was it that started a thread to admonish a celebrity for a mildly incendiary comment?
  11. Brady would have had 10 seconds and no time outs from the 20. Would've taken a chaotic miracle play. What winners actually do is calculate risks and make wise decisions. A field goal from 20 yards out is 99%. Giving Brady the ball with 57 seconds is ~80%.
  12. It's getting to be like the Talkin' Softball episode of The Simpsons. I'm waiting for Jhonas Enroth to get sucked into a different dimension.
  13. Because everybody knows gazillionaires aren't real people who sometimes react to conflict rashly.
  14. This weird jingoistic attitude kinda creeps me out. "Are you now or have you ever been a registered Patriots fan?" "No, I swear. I just don't get the hatred for...I mean, in 2001 it was a good story and all" "You heard him! Communist! Pats fan! Have this man removed." "What? No. I'm a Bills fan through and through..." *gunshot heard off stage*
  15. Oh, right...brain fart. Hard to remember that a 9-7 team got a home game.
  16. I think the whole loyalty thing boils down to options. If you're a Giants fan and the team is performing poorly, there are several other teams to which you can pay attention. Yankees, Jets, Knicks, Mets, Rangers, Islanders, Devils, Nets...usually 1 or 2 of them are fielding potential champions at any given point in time. If this multiplicity existed in Buffalo, you'd see fewer die hard Bills fans.
  17. This is so true. How many people wanted to just give the Packers the Lombardi Trophy halfway through this season? '06 Steelers, '07 Giants, '10 Packers, '11 Giants...all wild card teams. Almost makes you wonder if earning the bye week is overblown, despite the obvious benefit.
  18. Was I moaning? You pointed out that the winning team makes fewer mistakes. Usually the case, yes, but the end result isn't a tally sheet of credits and debits. Luck plays a larger role than most people are willing to admit.
  19. It shouldn't go unmentioned that the Giants committed 3 ghastly fumbles. They fell on two of them and the other was negated by a Pats penalty.
  20. The one cool thing about the halftime show...the dude breakdance bouncing on that elastic cord.
  21. The approximation of a conversation that I had with a work-friend in 2009... Friend: We're gonna catch a movie later on today, you in? Me: What're you seeing? Friend: 500 Days of Summer Me: (thinking it's a sci-fi flick based on the title) Hmmm, what's that? Friend: It's like, some hipster guy and he's obsessed with this quirky girl. Me: Haha. Ok, I think I'll pass. Thanks, though. Do you know who's in it? Friend: Yeah, it's Joseph Gordon Leavitt and that girl from Almost Famous? Me: Kate Hudson? Friend: No, the sister. (Zooey Deschanel) Me: When are we leaving?
  22. I've always been impressed by NBC's Richard Engel.
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