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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Well, you can count me as a proponent for polygamy. Gay marriage opponents like to cite how it's not "natural". Know what else isn't natural? Monogamy in primates. If a person's liberties include marrying and divorcing 5 times, why not just marry 5 others at once?
  2. Funny and poignant. http://imgur.com/4voAZ
  3. I'd like to start a casino for older folks who err toward efficient pragmatism. It would just be a giant row of random number generators hooked up to ATMs.
  4. Yeah, Jeeves was always just a guy who googled things for you. Some people prefer to google with Bing these days, but I think they just like being contrary.
  5. Or any laws of probability at all, really. Slot machines exist because old women can't grasp the concept of discrete, independent outcomes of consecutive events. That and the flashing lights.
  6. Most kids would be well-served to walk 8 miles a day. This parent's actions only seem obscene in our culture of driving .5 miles to the supermarket for a gallon of milk. There's nothing wrong with it. If junior gets picked up by Stranger Danger...well, that could've happened on the school playground too. World's never going to be inherently safe.
  7. So how do you reconcile your pragmatic opinion with the larger objective in play - that being, Americans have the liberty to consume what they please, and industries are free to produce it? It's a muddled concept given that obese folks are a drain on everybody else's income, but you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere.
  8. Well, different perspectives. I don't respect convictions that I believe are blatantly fictional.
  9. http://espn.go.com/high-school/story/_/id/7581140/piggyback-bandit-puzzles-high-school-sports-officials-northwest
  10. White people bad. I think this author needs the Robin Williams talk from Good Will Hunting. Oh, and the NCAA is retarded. But that's an entirely different discussion from what this article espouses.
  11. Mile High Club: Level 999 - Doing it in the cockpit. And you're not a pilot.
  12. If it's not important, why does Santorum spend so much time campaigning on "traditional values"? I'd say an archaic fundamentalist perspective on sex merits questioning Santorum's status as the potential "leader of the free world". Wouldn't be surprised to find out Santorum believes the Earth is 6,000 years old.
  13. Well, she's dangerous. But that's just another reason to handcuff her to the bed...
  14. Respectfully disagree. I think Clowney is training camp fodder, Hagan is a backup who should play about 10 snaps per game at most. Easley...well I think he's talented, but he'll probably have a foot ripped by an alligator or something.
  15. I'm not a fan of Whitney Houston's music, and I suspect many others feel the same way. There's this weird contagion where an entertainer dies and people feel compelled to pretend they were fans. She had an awesome voice, but channeled it mainly into schmaltzy ballads. One half-step above adult contemporary just because of the innate talent. Her most famous song (you know which one) is a big eye-roller as far as I'm concerned.
  16. I think what gets to people (myself included), isn't the differing opinions but the hubris that some posters display. "I don't think Stevie will resign with the Bills," is obviously a valid opinion. "He's gone and that's that," is arrogance. Just my two cents.
  17. I'm only partially with you. I don't enjoy singers who go way over the top like Ms. Houston, but the homage to America wouldn't come in the form of a song if we didn't want people to personalize it. That's the nature of music appreciation...mindless carbon copies aren't welcome. People complain about earnest, humble renditions of the Star Spangled Banner sung badly out of tune by amateurs. They do. I've been to plenty of minor league baseball games where some local teenage girl comes out, sings respectfully but poorly, and receives polite applause and then people talking behind her back about how awful it was.
  18. In the words of Teddy KGB, "Pyay that myan hyis money."
  19. So by this logic, no free agent currently on the market will sign with their most recent team.
  20. Levon...Levon likes his money. He makes a lot, they say.
  21. You're off by multiples of 10. Others are similarly off the mark in their estimations. The correct number of warheads is 3.5
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