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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. This is blasphemous to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who came to me in a dream and admitted to sinking the ship.
  2. Because she was hilarious and realized her role to an unbelievable capacity.
  3. My sister is a belt sander and my brother is a jack-knife. I'm offended by people who are offended by people calling children tools.
  4. Pretty typical young adult lit, still riding the coattails of Harry Potter...miserable teenage kid becomes special, schmaltzy love triangle, deus ex machina all over the place, poorly concealed war allegory.
  5. This is what ails political discourse more than anything. Those who are willing to admit, "Hey it's a complicated issue. I can see both sides. The truth is probably somewhere in between." are called wimps. What's the purpose in "making a !@#$ing stand" just for the hell of it?
  6. It should be frustrating for any statistically minded person. Essentially, the NHL standings value games that go to overtime 50% more than regulation games...for absolutely no reason. At least the system isn't unfair. Every team has to live with the idiocy. There's every chance the Capitals will miss the playoffs because they have 5 OT losses and their intradivisional rivals Florida have 12.
  7. I've been suggesting this as a compromise for a long time. The ideal situation, of course, is the simplest - a win/loss record like every other sport.
  8. I guess it depends on how you view terrestrial radio...I think it's a service industry (and yes, I work as a DJ/occasional sports personality). If the clerk at the supermarket gave you attitude for saying "How are ya?", wouldn't that rub you the wrong way? Radio is a different job, but Joe Q. Listener is ostensibly your boss - no listeners, no advertising revenue, no job. Calm down. Dead air is dead air, pleasantries are white noise...not ideal, but 10x better than the on-air personality rudely telling a caller "get to the point!".
  9. There's an enormous difference between the immediacy of spoken communication and a message board, where people are expected to answer at their convenience often hours and days later. Heck, even on the shout box, posters often greet each other and say goodbye.
  10. Yeah, I lean toward idle speculation on this one. I'm amazed by how many people use the word "reportedly" without citing a...you know...report.
  11. Rush issues an apology after he starts losing advertisers. So who's the real prostitute?
  12. To echo others, if she's a keeper she's a keeper. Of course that entails a lot more than being cute and liking hockey (those are 2 pretty big credits though!).
  13. That's what I'm saying. Calling someone a slut isn't nice, but all the folks who are flipping out and calling Rush's comments an affront to all women...yeah, I'm suuuure they're always polite and decent regarding their conversation about loose women.
  14. Ok, question... Rush Limbaugh is a blowhard, granted. But does anybody (myself included, unfortunately) who has ever referred to a woman as a "slut" casually behind her back deserve the right to such indignation in light of his comments? I have a feeling there are plenty of hypocrites out there.
  15. Something I've always wondered...how did the term "co-ed" come to refer to a college woman? Doesn't it, by definition, imply either gender?
  16. This thread is beyond predictable...just a pissing contest about which team's douches are douchier. RIP Breitbart.
  17. 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 If I'm gonna win millions, I'm doing it with the Fibonacci Sequence.
  18. Does every highly touted black QB have to forgo comparisons to Jamarcus Russell now? I can't imagine a less relevant analog.
  19. But I already told all the girls at school I was booking him for prom!!
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