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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. This isn't the first time I've mentioned (and I'm not fishing for sympathy) but a few years back I was pretty close to committing suicide. It's a hard thing to describe, but you definitely rationalize that your loved ones will eventually be better without you in the picture. With the benefit of hindsight, I realize that my family (my Mom especially) would have been beyond the point of devastation. They were in tears when I finally exposed what I almost did. But damn...sometimes you truly can't see the forest for the trees. And to be quite honest, the voice that made me step back from the ledge didn't say "STOP! It will hurt your family." It said "STOP! There's so much left to accomplish". I suppose I can see the 'selfish' angle. I certainly wasn't thinking of others.
  2. People consistently overrate the correlation between money and happiness.
  3. This is in direct violation of the Supreme Court's landmark Finders v. Losers decision.
  4. Whoops, my mistake. I saw Maxwell and figured it was a boy. Didn't notice the word "her" in the OP.
  5. It's still just a matter of weeks since Amare's brother died. As somebody with some rage issues myself, I'll give him a pass on this one.
  6. A "heavy dose" of anesthetic. She's lucky he isn't dead.
  7. Dude just lives playoff hockey. 7 goals in 7 games, including today's OT winner. Injuries aside, I still can't stand that the Sabres let him go.
  8. Frankly, Glenn can be a good pick even if he doesn't work out at LT. Each year, injuries seem to send us to the scrap heap for interior linemen.
  9. So she's a billionth the size of a regular mom?
  10. White undershirt, casual button down, pair of jeans. Clothes takes about 30 seconds every morning. I don't envy women the social pressure to look different each day.
  11. If it was unintentional, wouldn't we have seen Artest make some sort of gesture or facial response to signify "Holy sh*t! Did I just do that??" He lands the elbow and just keeps walking, only turning around when Serge Ibaka confronts him.
  12. Except for kicking and punting, you couldn't pay me enough to play football for a living.
  13. The guy's automatically more interesting for being a celebrity that's not a narcissistic jagoff liberal. He's still a narcissistic jagoff, though. Oh, and his music sucks.
  14. One of my favorite movies, and an underrated bit of the Burton catalogue. That scene gets me every time.
  15. Welcome to the off season. I'd suggest heading over to Off the Wall.
  16. Pretty good effort in my opinion. I'm nervously anticipating Kevin Smith's 'Hit Somebody' in 2013, which is based on the Warren Zevon song of the same name.
  17. So says this report... http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=unflagging-optimism EDIT: n=19 in this study, pretty small sample
  18. And his wings... http://www.theonion.com/articles/overoptimistic-nfl-doctor-says-injured-bills-playe,2290/
  19. My opinion depends on whether they were filming a taped segment, or some kind of live teaser. If the result of people moving around was that they needed to do another short take, a 5 second rant would probably have sufficed, as opposed to a minute and a half. I met Olbermann a couple of years ago when he visited my radio station, WVBR, in Ithaca (that's where he got his start). He was actually in-studio during my time slot as a DJ but he refused an interview...some legal jargon about his contract with Current and the transition period from MSNBC. Anyway, there was a Q & A in the basement. This was around March, so my friend jokingly asked "Who you got in the tournament?" Olbermann turns up his nose and says "If you think I have time for March Madness, you haven't listened to my other answers." One other thing I'll say is that the dude has MAAAAAJOR chip on his shoulder. Every story he tells is about some media guy who never believed in him, but now he's the top dog. Douche.
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