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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Life likes to kick us with those ironies sometimes. Sorry to hear of your loss.
  2. Never thought I'd see the day when a good old-fashioned golden retriever plays ball with a 'coon.
  3. Thanks a lot guys. I sent the playscript to everybody who requested it. I have to be honest, I didn't expect more than 1 or 2 replies...I really appreciate it.
  4. Yep, I understand that perception. Most people think only of 2-hour long 5-Act plays (and I've written a couple) but short fiction isn't limited to prose. Some of my favorite scripts are less than 5 pages long. The difference is that short plays are often produced together in bunches because audiences wouldn't shell out money for a 10-minute show. I'll send it right over.
  5. I just finished a one-act comedy called "Product Placement" that I'm interested in shopping around to festivals and workshops. I'm wondering if anybody is interested in reading and providing feedback. A few friends have read it and liked it, but they aren't exactly the type to be brutally honest. Just reply to this thread and I'll PM you. It's short (very short actually, only about 8 pages), so no huge time commitment. Thanks in advance.
  6. Congrats to the Sixers! Haters will try to say it doesn't mean much w/o Rose, but Chicago put together a pretty nice record (somewhere around .667 I think) while Rose was injured during the regular season.
  7. We are our actions. That said, no, one good deed does not make a good man. Neither does a bad deed make a bad man
  8. Nah, part of the reason is I don't like crowds.
  9. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/sports_blog/2011/12/braylon-edwards-gives-10000-to-79-college-students.html The 79 kids he sent to college probably disagree with this.
  10. Hey, sometimes dude cuddling just happens, right? Right?
  11. As incendiary as this sounds, what if a person is tricked into thinking a 16 year old girl he's watching is 20? Or somebody "Peter Pans" him with a fake link?
  12. The whole, "VEGAS BABY!!!! YEAH, STRIPPERS AND COCAINE!" mentality confounds me. I can't imagine anything better than a round of golf, followed by a barbecue and sipping on beers late into the night.
  13. A vampire orders a cup of hot water at a cafe. The barista prepares it and says "I thought you guys only drink blood?". The vampire produces a used tampon and says "I'm making tea."
  14. How's this compared to yours? Q: What's the easiest way to get a Jewish girl's number? A: Roll up her sleeve.
  15. I won't pretend to know the industry well enough to offer my opinion on the studios' specific role in the process. My biggest beef with Hollywood and the studios is just the incessant pre-packaging. Oh boy, Jim Carrey making silly faces! Kevin James is a goofball, yaaayyy! Now watch Liam Neeson kick peoples' asses. And as much as I love most of the superhero movies, it's becoming rarer and rarer to see a hit movie that doesn't involve a secure pre-sold source material.
  16. Votto will pick it up eventually. I got Kemp #2...a certain .190 hitter for the Angels went #1 EDIT: Not to mention, my blind homerism led me to draft Jeter once again and it's actually paying dividends this time around.
  17. Keep in mind, there's an entire world of independent film where the dollars and cents are less of a priority. A world where lead actors don't get paid $10 million just to show up.
  18. In the words of Meatloaf, two out of three ain't bad.
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