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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Good job, Selmon. This is a movie I never really had interest in, but you've convinced me to at least give it a shot. I really like Del Toro, too, which helps. Now, as for the assertion that it's better than The King's Speech...well...I'll remain cynical there.
  2. I really like the film adaptation of Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. It's on Netflix streaming if you subscribe.
  3. It's funny. For all the assumptions about players declining into their mid-30's, we might just see a Spurs-Celtics Final.
  4. The Heat will continue to pay for a lack of depth.
  5. I think you've captured the gist of the problem here...we're overly concerned with what things represent symbolically, as opposed to what they actually mean in context.
  6. Chapter 2 Sage and Poojer got back to the lair in the 2000 Oldsmobile Alero that Sage had been leasing. Poojer accidentally ate some peanuts and died. Like all vampires, Poojer was allergic to peanuts. Sage dragged dev/null out of the trunk. He took him by the slippery toad leg and said "C'mon dude, get out of the trunk." dev/null said "Bllarsasdsgdadag" because his tongue had been ripped off. Sage said. "What? I can't understand you. What are you saying? Oh yeah, your tongue. Sorry." "Bllasdfalsdjfsdag" "This is going to get annoying". So Sage gave dev/null his tongue back. Somehow. He said "dev/null, what happened? We used to be friends. And then my Legion and your Legion just...drifted apart. Was it because I didn't invite Tom to my birthday party?" "Well, that didn't help", said dev/null. "Thanks for the tongue back." "It wasn't anything personal," said Sage. "I just wanted to keep it exclusive to werewolves, you know?" "I understand," said dev/null, hopping out of the trunk. "But I'm sure you can understand why Tom was upset. You guys were close." "Yeah, I guess so," said Sage. "I was a real jerk. I should apologize. For the birthday party and all this fighting. I just want things to be back the way they were. Say, would you care for some tea?" "Sure," said dev/null, with a smile. "What have you got?" "Oolong." "Fine by me." "How's your mother these days?" "Oh, you know. The usual. She's convinced the maid is trying to poison her!" "Ahh, Moms." Sage and dev/null drank their tea in peace, staring deeply into the others' eyes. Things had certainly changed since that summer in Cabo - a change that was probably irrevocable, but neither was willing to let those words escape his lips. They thought about the passage of time and about how people change. And about their old friend Poojer. They sat and thought and drank their tea. They fell asleep a few minutes later, each knowing that life would never quite be the same. To be Continued.....
  7. Being a younger fan, this is my greatest Bills memory. Sad that it came during a 6-10 season, but so it goes.
  8. That's not really my interpretation of the phrase "color blindness". There's nothing wrong with physically identifying a person by race, so long as there's not prejudice. A: Which guy over there is Mike? B: Oh, Mike's the black guy. or A: Which guy over there is Mike? B: Oh, Mike's the tall guy. No difference, right? So, in such a way, using black makeup to portray MLK isn't inherently offensive. It's just an identifying factor. By your logic, wouldn't a suit/tie/mustache similarly identify him by something other than content of character? Now, the whole situation is muddled by the history of blackface, I'll give you that.
  9. Seems like the beginning to a sci-fi movie.
  10. Fair enough, but I appreciate versatility. The one non-comedic role I've seen him in is Nick Carraway (from Gatsby) and it was wholly uninspired. You can't say he's bad at what he does, that's for sure.
  11. I used to be a much bigger Paul Rudd fan, and he still seems like a cool guy. I've come to think of him, though, as something of a one trick pony. Can he pull off anything besides some combination of naive/affable/flustered?
  12. Talked to Geno for a few minutes at the NCAA Tourney in 2008. The Cornell women were the sacrificial 16-seed against UConn and I was doing play-by-play. Geno: Care to let me in on any Achilles' Heels? Me: I don't think you need the help. They lost like 85-32 or something, of course.
  13. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, do these sound like the actions of a man who had ALL he could eat?"
  14. Hmmm, Leviticus. I wonder if Manny knows the rest of that particular book... "You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the LORD." Lev. 19:28 http://img3.allvoices.com/thumbs/image/609/480/65166566-manny-pacquiao.jpg
  15. Finally got to see The Room, often heralded as the worst movie of all time. The unintentional comedy is worth its weight in gold. "YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, LISA"
  16. Wow. Romper Room was what we called the 'slow' classroom in elementary school. I had no idea it was a real thing until right now.
  17. All I know is he better give back his key to the city.
  18. Thanks to one and all. Had a great birthday yesterday!
  19. Always remember this - no matter the quality of a movie, there were scores of people (producers, editors, gaffers, interns, sound and lighting, costuming, hair, makeup, etc.) who worked into the wee hours of the morning for months to make it happen. The job of the critic is to steer audiences in the right direction. So, if something didn't work, give concrete examples. What was lacking in Mr. Johnson's performance? Where could Ms. Sedgwick have improved? What was a particularly poor directing decision? All of these are rife for discussion...what ISN'T helpful is generalizing about bad acting or "predictability". Also, try to find something positive to say. The people I mentioned above? Most of them don't deserve to be dragged through the mud. There's always a silver lining, and you're not proving to anybody that you're smarter than them by staring down your nose at a project and claiming that you're above it all.
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