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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I thought I'd try to brighten up the off-season a little. What are some aspects of life that give your day a lift? I'll start... - A strong cup of coffee - The music of Warren Zevon - Hitting all the green lights on a short trip - A nice game of frisbee - A perfectly struck 4-iron - Watching my niece and nephew play - Waking up 5 minutes before the alarm, perfectly rested - That happy/pensive feeling after the 3rd beer - The even happier/somewhat less pensive feeling after the 5th beer Your turn!
  2. HF birthday to the most consistently pleasant member of TBD!
  3. Comical to read, but not at all surprising. Religion is the ultimate Us vs. Them, and not many people of faith will ever be dissuaded from believing that their version of dogma is good for the world.
  4. http://www.cbsatlanta.com/story/18626605/texas-honors-student-jailed-for-excessive-truancy Ms. Tran, a 17 year old, has to work a full-time and part-time job and take advanced placement courses AND care for her younger sister. Now, she has a mark on her record because a judge "wanted to make an example of her". I realize there are more despicable things in the world, but I want to find this guy and punch him in the face.
  5. As for food, the prices can be a hassle in Manhattan if you don't resign yourself to fast food...my suggestion is to make frequent visits to the Whole Foods grocery store in Columbus Circle (just South of the park and a stone's throw from Roosevelt). My thoughts are with you and your family. Having a little Bills fan in the womb certainly helps...she's a fighter already.
  6. And upon further reading, "chemical castration" isn't nearly as ugly as it sounds. It's essentially hormone therapy that reduces libido. How is this not already happening everywhere?
  7. Chemical Castration of Child Rapist Nasty thing to think about, but corrective justice is always preferable to retributive justice.
  8. My vote was punter, but I think the running back is the 2nd best option...anything equal or better than 2nd and 7, 3rd and 4, or 4th and 2 is an automatic first down and you'd dominate time of possession every single game. Of course, those games would be boring as hell.
  9. Going hipster here but I don't care...loved Michelle since before she was popular, as she got her break on the YES Network. Good to see we can now enjoy her with the "Mute" option off.
  10. Choose wisely. EDIT: In regards to Robo-Halfback, 2.5 yards on every down would be too obvious a choice.
  11. I wonder about this. Will the trigger be Jesse finding out about the poison, or Walt finally slipping up and revealing that he didn't save Jane? Or both? Or something else entirely? God, I'm excited.
  12. At some point, yes, but they left off on good terms. I wonder if Mike is going to return with an axe to grind.
  13. So...with the departure of Gus, is there even a chance that Walt's next foil lives up to him?
  14. Haha, glad somebody caught it. Also, Mia Wasikowska
  15. Just saw Albert Nobbs. Wow. A little slow at times, but Glenn Close...man oh man.
  16. The Spurs are incredible. Down by 24. Meh, just another day at the office.
  17. Hmmm. Well countered, but allow me to rebutt. So let's say there are aliens who like to occasionally swoop by and observe us from a distance. For research purposes. Why is it that these aliens are perpetually careless enough to be spotted by a couple Bubbas in the sticks, but never 100 people in the suburbs? Or thousands in a city? (You'd have to assume they'd be more intrigued by our metropolises) If 100 people witness something simultaneously and have similar stories about what happened, it would give serious pause to my skepticism. It's sorta like Bigfoot...EVERYBODY'S picture is blurry? As for the second point, I agree on the altruism thing.
  18. The question I always ask - If the Earth has indeed been visited by aliens and there have been eye-witnesses of these events, why is there never EVER enough corroboration to even vaguely consider the event a historical fact? And on a more theoretical level, consider this; A race that has developed the intelligence, technology and longevity to master interstellar travel could only be interested in pathetic Earth for its resources. As far as we know, the planet hasn't been milked of anything.
  19. That's a good movie. Giamatti is great...check out American Splendor if you haven't.
  20. It's simple. If Kelsay was the EXACT same player, playing the role of a hard-working depth DE who came in and contributed a small handful of sacks on a winning team, he'd be downright beloved. As a below average starting DE who contributes a small handful of sacks on a losing team, he's reviled. People need to ask themselves, "Is it Chris Kelsay's fault that the Bills took 9 years to find a pair of better pass-rushers?" And really, only time will tell if Anderson is better.
  21. One of my favorite books (used to read it over and over when I was 13-15). But I have absolutely no idea where to find the movie...any clue?
  22. Like others said, you can't top a dog... but if we're going for the chance to get something unusual, I'd like a penguin.
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