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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I've only read the synopsis on wikipedia and the mention of this still makes me shudder.
  2. I was referring specifically to the creation story in Genesis, which in my opinion absolutely counts as mythology. It is unsubstantiated. If I've been overly harsh, I can assure you that wasn't my intention. Most religious people are decent and kind. Most PEOPLE are decent and kind. That, I do believe.
  3. Wouldn't the onus, then, be to teach every theory on creation and let the kids decide? The Navajo have a pretty intriguing mythology. As for who's more zealous among the zealots from each group, there's nothing but empirical evidence. I will say that atheists aren't known for promising eternal torture to those who don't align.
  4. The difference being that Evolution Theory is striving toward 100% accuracy, while Judeo-Christian creation mythology is 100% unsubstantiated and just fine with it. Which, as you point out, shouldn't be a problem. Live and let live, right? Except, HERE'S the problem...many Creationists would prefer that public schools eschew scientific theory for mythology. Sadly, there has been some success in this regard. That officially makes it a social issue. People should believe what makes them happy. In fact, believing that there's a god who set evolution in motion is logical. Not my belief, but it defies nothing besides the burden of proof. But let's not write a false narrative where the majority of the vitriol is coming from the agnostic side. Let me ask you something. If poll results were released tomorrow that showed 46% of Americans believed Zeus and Prometheus crafted mankind out of clay, wouldn't you find that just a little troublesome?
  5. I'm a novice to this realm, but this seems like an interesting tidbit...what's the deal?
  6. Not one of those situations where you can clear it with HR?
  7. Good man. On top of the donation, I've spammed my facebook friends . Hopefully a couple of them feel like opening their wallets.
  8. More accurately, the number of Congressmen who pretend to believe in creation as to not lose their base.
  9. It's sad, though. The Thetan levels of the average American are through the roof and they're doing nothing about it.
  10. http://www.gallup.com/poll/155003/Hold-Creationist-View-Human-Origins.aspx?version=print Slow clap
  11. Stop half-way through that next enormous burrito. It might just save your life.
  12. Seriously Cotton, do this. I think you'll see more than a few dollars coming in from TBD. Keeping your family in my thoughts, buddy.
  13. The attorneys were doing their job. That's the legal system, everybody has the right to defense.
  14. I'll throw in another vote for DSOTM. The Wall has quite a few tracks that are frankly unlistenable.
  15. The chipmunks that live in my backyard. I see those cute little !@#$ers scooting around every morning and it puts a on my face. - Also, it's interesting that most people include something to do with kids. Further illustrates my philosophy that we should aim to be more child-like and less childish!
  16. I try to be a silver lining type of guy, so I view it like this: After a decade of watching Kelsay try and struggle (and often fail) to be a starter-quality DE, he finally gets to play the role of the rotational backup where he's always belonged.
  17. Listen, after Ryan Neill's reign of terror, I was excited to see the Bills with a long-snapper who many experts thought could win games singlehandedly. If that makes me a zealot, then I don't know what this board is for. As for whateverdude, I don't know what his opinion was but he can certainly speak for himself.
  18. This is a good one. Mowing can be very zen. I like to go in a square pattern and pretend I'm mowing the infield at Yankee Stadium.
  19. Are you really going to dredge back to 2009? You know, when EVERYBODY thought Sanborn was the next hot item in the NFL? You couldn't turn on ESPN without hearing the guy's name. Let's face it, he barely gets the job done. Garrison Sanborn can lead you to an 8-8 season with a good enough punter, but that's his absolute ceiling.
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