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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. To each his own, but Jeff Dunham is humorless IMO. Seconded on Daniel Tosh. Louis CK is great as well. Old videos of Mitch Hedberg, may he rest in peace.
  2. Briefly putting aside this terrible excuse for a mother, that's one sentence (fragment) I never expected to read.
  3. What is this 'Womyn' business all about? EDIT: Nevermind, I just looked it up...some people, yeesh.
  4. Hell, I'm 23 and I'm still into it. Not necessarily musicals for me, but theatre in general.
  5. Good for him. If only the Bills had the foresight to bring in the local kid.
  6. Me. I won a darts tournament a couple years ago.
  7. I thought they were due! The game was fixed! The Globetrotters used a ladder of Pete's sake! C'mon he's just spinning the ball in front of your face. Take it!!
  8. Closing in on 250 replies and this thread hasn't made it to PPP. I'm actually a little disappointed.
  9. In order of preferability... 1) Sex 2) Hiking 3) Basketball 4) Jogging 5) Meditation
  10. And 7% presumably said "I don't know", probably the most intellectually honest answer.
  11. You're seeing something I'm not. It indicates that 46% of total responses were "God created humans pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years." A separate 32% responded that evolution occurred with God's help.
  12. It's pretty hypocritical if you ask me. God gave us minds capable of analysis, but we go to Hell for using them.
  13. Then it only follows that we too are a test run. You've got the fingerprints of /r/atheism all over ya!
  14. I'd love it if there was a literature board here on TBD.
  15. Selmon, I would say the best thing is just to approach this site (and you might say life) with a sense of humor. Some of what you post will be ignored into oblivion, other stuff will catch on as time goes on. Please know, though, that everybody gets ribbed around here. Especially on OTW. Take things less personally and you'll experience it less. Head over to the main board and people are a bit more caustic, but still mostly civil and entertaining. Head over to PPP and...well...don't head over to PPP. Oh and use the site to learn about football. Some of the posters are VERY knowledgeable. As an addendum, if you want to instigate better conversation, try to ascertain what other people are interested in. Like everything else, your opinion is essentially a commodity. People will buy it or not buy it on THEIR prerogative, not yours. If you post an intriguing statistics-based research project on the Bills' linebacker situation, you'll get tons of replies. A movie review on The Smurfs? Not so much.
  16. At least you don't hear very much anymore from the folks who claimed the Jews buried fake 'dinosaur' fossils.
  17. "But the Theory of Evolution is just a theory! It's flawed!" - Person who believes man rode on dinosaurs like horses 6,000 years ago. (seriously, check out the Creation Museum)
  18. Quite true. The trouble is, when it comes to religion, people essentially have their minds made up. So debate leads to argumentation, which leads to proselytizing, which leads to douchebaggery. EDIT: And in regards to the Christmas thing, there is no war on Christmas. Christmas absolutely monopolizes late November through early January in this country.
  19. Whoever you're quoting didn't post those things in this thread. If people are talking about thinning the herd, that is pretty !@#$ed, but the next time I hear of a violent crime in the name of No God will be the first. Anyway, atheists in general refuse to look in the mirror? Isn't that painting with the broad brush you want to condemn?
  20. Very sorry to hear of your loss. Yet another testament to why it's not just a game.
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