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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. You don't think it's worth it to find out if all those ESPYs he won were legit?
  2. We saw Nelson out wide due to injuries last year and it wasn't pretty. In the slot, though, he has value. Jones has potential, but also hands of stone. Graham is a bit of a project. Easley will be all set to go as the starter then get flattened by a steamroller. Hagan? Wouldn't shock me.
  3. He also rides his bike to work. I'm no tree hugger, but for all the players buzzing around town in Escalades it's a cool thing to know.
  4. I went with the Panthers. With the Saints on the precipice of falling into disarray, I think Carolina is poised quite nicely.
  5. But I would hope your rant would be against...ya know...arsonists.
  6. Remember the "crab dribble"? Aside from the travelling, a lot of the ball-handling moves you see would easily be double dribbles by the book. The NBA has grown more entertaining over the last few years, but I'll take the college game.
  7. Sorry to hear it, PTR. By the way, you didn't happen to hear back from Jeopardy did you? I'm still waiting around for an email, but apparently they have 365 days to contact you after the test.
  8. Isn't it pretty obvious that she's trying to parody the clingy girlfriend archetype? Not a very good singer though.
  9. On most running plays, Levitre is an absolute beast down the middle. It was a shame when he had to play tackle.
  10. Of all the close calls in baseball, the ones where the chalk gets kicked up should be the easiest by far.
  11. Only did it once and it scared the **** out of me when I woke up the next morning and realized I could only piece together ~20% of the drive home.
  12. The Mets are a likable bunch but I don't see them above .500 this year. Not when Scott Hairston is their 2nd best hitter.
  13. Wow, that's another oversight. Guy was a good baseball player, but imagine if he had gotten into sumo wrestling or hot dog eating contests!
  14. I'll try to find a specific study, but I'm almost positive that violent crime is down across the board in America. EDIT: Well, that was easy - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45723701/ns/us_news/t/fbi-us-violent-crime-down-fewer-murders-rapes/#.T9ToKbD2KuI
  15. Never heard these terms before. Looks like I have some reading to do. Wow, what an oversight by the rest of us. All of this, not to mention the most important athlete ever.
  16. Tragic. I just don't understand these things...I'm the exact same age and the thought of gun violence over a woman is just absurd.
  17. But what if there was a runner who simultaneously dominated the 100m, 110m hurdles, 800m, and the Marathon? Wouldn't that person be in consideration?
  18. Also, I look at Nadal's physique and have no doubt that he could have made it at wide receiver, point guard, third base, whatever. He's just a freak of nature. EDIT: And I'll throw in a nomination for Mariano Rivera. Aside from being the most dominant reliever of all time, more than one source has been quoted saying that he could have been the best outfielder in the league had he chosen that path.
  19. 1. Dump toothpicks on floor. 2. Count toothpicks a la Rain Man. 3. ????? 4. Profit.
  20. He's just fantastic. A name I forgot to mention is Eddie Izzard.
  21. I like Demetri Martin for about 15 minutes. After that, he starts to seem like a one-trick pony with the puns and drawings. Still, he managed to find an unoccupied niche in the comedy world and that's not easy.
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