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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. That's pretty interesting. It would also explain how Dr. Shaw's totemic crucifix worked into the symbolism. My issue wasn't necessarily plot holes as much as how the script seemed to abandon its philosophical nature in the 2nd Act. For example, the remaining Engineer is a being from a race that mastered intergalactic travel 5,000 years before us...and yet his role in the movie is essentially bashing people's brains in like a gorilla.
  2. If knocking up a supermodel disqualifies me from being a Buffalo Guy, then I'd be happily disqualified.
  3. Thanks zepp. But seriously, it's one of those movies that you'll enjoy a lot more if you don't believe a lot of the hype. For a much more thoughtful space movie, check out Moon.
  4. My review of Prometheus here... http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/prometheus-reviewsday-tuesday/2110
  5. Honest question - how the hell did watermelons become a racial stereotype? Doesn't pretty much everybody love watermelon?
  6. When Pineda went down, who would've thought the Yankees would have baseball's gnarliest starting staff?
  7. Here's a toast to 15 happy years. So sorry for your loss.
  8. Plenty of thin pitchers, but you're right in that Clemens was generally stocky. Now he's got Robert Paulson level bitchtits though .
  9. I still don't know what the hell handball is, but I'll take #77 please!
  10. You didn't wait very long to start putting words in my mouth, huh? I prefer a police force that has the prerogative to use lethal force when necessary, but a standing order to submit untried criminals to the justice system. Do you really not see why what these parents did is highly illegal? Imagine how many cases of mistaken identity would get innocent people murdered if this were legal. What if Dad had missed his target and the gangbanger returned deadly fire? What if he had missed his target and killed a passerby? Would things still be fine and dandy because he was protecting his family?
  11. The level of justice where citizens roam around playing executioner without training? Your "evolution" of justice is pretty scary.
  12. Of course, I shudder to think of setting precedents where vigilante justice is ok. Separate issue, but my instinct is to doubt the quality of parents whose daughter runs off with a pimp.
  13. After watching Thigpen last year, it's hard to imagine how bad VY would have to be to lose that competition.
  14. Totally agreed, hadn't thought of it in a Randian way though. As I point out, he does some dastardly things but he's a conflicted work in progress of a person.
  15. Of course, that's pretty incompetent fixing if it happened. OKC could easily have won the game on the final possession.
  16. My thoughts on Don Draper's development over Seasons 4 and 5. Give it a read. http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/mad-men-is-don-draper-a-good-guy/2076
  17. I always screw up Haikus by tacking on an Extra syllable. Corn.
  18. One needs look no further than the MPAA, where a nipple is right on par with decapitation and evisceration, and a woman enjoying oral sex is worse! http://www.popeater.com/2010/12/07/black-swan-blue-valentine-sex-scenes-ratings/
  19. My question then is - Is every referee/umpire on board with the fixing? Do the leagues hold secret meetings or teleconferences to tell the refs which teams need to win? Why hasn't one official come forward and said "Yo, the commissioner is handing down bribes"? They'd certainly make more money from their tell-all book than from reffing.
  20. Bennett's gonna be there!? He doesn't rack up 1,000s of tackles like Morrison, but he's still pretty good.
  21. There's a saying I like. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence." I'm not saying it doesn't happen and the NBA lottery process (both during the season and the off-season) is so prone to fixing that I can buy the 1985 Theory. However - the Hull thing? Steroids in baseball? Music City Miracle? Those are incompetence. Specifically to the steroids issue...if these players were taking drugs as agents of Major League Baseball, wouldn't one of the guys have thrown MLB under the bus by now? If not for revenge, then to salvage a reputation?
  22. Fans are also incredible hypocrites. While the events are going on, people just want to be entertained and they don't care how. But in retrospect, they need it to be fair. Almost like kids on a playground.
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