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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Because "the world is a more dangerous place." Pro tip to parents - It's actually not. The news just sells that.
  2. And I'm dealing with third world problems here! Damn weevils in my rice.
  3. Who ya gonna call? ROACH BUSTERS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCe7TcqwOik&feature=related
  4. I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I hope you know I was only pulling your chain a little.
  5. Firefox ate my homework? Seriously though, you did the right thing. I tried "My Mom accidentally threw it in the trash" once when I was that age. Teacher ended up calling home. Oh, that was not pretty.
  6. Well sure, in retrospect since we know it was taped. I'm not disagreeing about what should have happened, Chef. But I can certainly understand why any bus driver/monitor would be reluctant to take those measures given the potential for backlash.
  7. Well, I won't even pretend to know the specifics about liability in this regard. But I can guarantee that one of those hyperprotective helicopter Moms would make life a living hell for somebody. "My poor Dalton could have gotten heat stroke! " But yeah, I'd have slapped the little !@#$ers and thrown them off too.
  8. I think it's more accurately afraid of parents. The kind that would successfully sue the school over their precious snowflake's traumatic walk home after getting kicked off the bus.
  9. It's so hot, compared to the weather Kate Upton is a 3.
  10. Selmon, I'm trying to view it but there's a login for the site and apparently you need to share the video to an email address before a password can be created. You can PM me for my email address. You may be interested in my opinion, as I'm currently between my 1st and 2nd professional gigs as a theatre director.
  11. But I thought it was the gays who were ruining the sanctity of marriage...
  12. Great. Another diva. This Mario guy's reputation seems to proceed him, but until I see it he's just the next Aaron Maybin.
  13. http://discovermagazine.com/2012/jul-aug/06-humans-with-super-human-vision/article_view?b_start:int=0&-C= Pretty cool mutation.
  14. Most likely scrapes and bruises, soreness, etc. No sense in a veteran aggravating something in June.
  15. Faneuil Hall is pretty neat. The Freedom Trail is a rather touristy thing to do, but if you don't mind being a greenhorn then go for it. Like PTR said, Fenway Park is a great place to digest a ball game. Don't bother with the Cheers bar. My biggest recommendation though is the Isabella Stewart-Gardner museum. If you're into art, it's a fantastic place.
  16. I feel bad for animals like non-venomous snakes that get a bad rap. It's a shame.
  17. I'm not a Dad, so I won't step into those shoes, but I always say bollocks to the sexual puritanism of our culture. There's nothing inherently salacious about nipples, after all, just a social construct.
  18. Then I guess, Point 2 calls Point 1 into question. If this is truly a movie that can survive on its own concepts, why fall back on old-school terror elements like incompetent secondary characters dying off one by one? Not every big budget movie requires an ensemble cast, in my opinion, especially when they're so obviously just lambs being led to slaughter for our amusement. And of course you have the black guy sacrificing himself...Trey and Matt would be proud
  19. Of course, these counting statistics are more of an effect than a cause.
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