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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. It's funny. Everybody agrees that most of the other drivers on the road are horrible, and we all have the same gripes about the hypothetical "other". But you never seem to meet the terrible drivers.
  2. Anybody see Ted? Here's my review... http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/ted-review-reviewsday-tuesday/2286 Much better than I expected.
  3. Now, think...what if the known universe is just a quark in an infinitely larger physical reality? INCEPTION
  4. Not judging, but as a hip hop fan it was pretty meh. Props on the analogy though, made me laugh.
  5. Chronic back issues for a guy his size...regardless of on-field performance, he'd be smart to walk away from the game.
  6. Meh, who knows? But check out the private webcam. Hopefully Bertha's finished with her sandwich now.
  7. Actually we've had them for a while, but they're mostly girls who didn't get callbacks for the Jills. So we prefer to keep it under wraps.
  8. I'd say Daniel Day Lewis. Leo is up there too, though. I'd say so. Something about your lead actor looking directly into the camera and saying "I think this just might be my masterpiece" before fading to black is just...tasteless? Arrogant? Both in equal measure?
  9. Roy was a good player through some pretty lean times. I never quite sensed the ambivalence that others did. But it seems like the team is ready to move forward with Ennis and Hodgson as the scoring line centers, so I don't mind seeing them get an agitator type like Ott in return.
  10. Why did biologists ever waste their time studying viruses? They're so minute.
  11. I've been in the front row for every Wiggles concert since their inception in 1991. Seeing the joy in the children's eyes is magnificent, and then later the fear.... Oh. I mean...What I meant to say is, three rows behind the Sabres' bench in a playoff game.
  12. Let's briefly put aside the fact that there isn't some big general coffer of money where everybody in the world goes to fix problems (I hope you don't honestly think this has a direct inverse effect on funds available toward malaria prevention). You really believe that burgeoning frontiers of scientific advancement should be ignored so that we can put band-aids on more pressing issues? And what do you mean by "wasting money on minute science"? Sub-atomic particles are unimportant because they're physically small? Huh?
  13. You're right. Those physicists haven't done a damn thing for cancer treatment! Though I believe they're working on a cure for spherical chickens in a vacuum.
  14. Fine, drama queen can come too. All the steaks are gone though, so fire up a turkey burger if you feel like it. I'm gonna show everybody else my new pinball machine.
  15. "That was then, this is now." is a pretty good motto to live by, in my opinion. But that doesn't mean that most people actually live by it. I'm trying to proffer an explanation, not an opinion on how people should behave, which I think we quite agree on. Progress (neither personal or on a large scale) isn't made by dwelling on the past. But we humans are sure talented at dwelling.
  16. I see even the level-headed posts here are subject to ad hominem. Yeah, I think the hyper-sensitivity the OP asked about is the result of people being overly apologetic (and for their ancestors, no less, which is illogical). You don't agree that there's a social reasoning to all this?
  17. I just read it. Pretty entertaining how Meathead was jumped upon. I wonder what my visceral reaction would have been if I had no frame of reference from your above comment. There's no doubt that many people are too sensitive...but wouldn't you also agree that more and more people are on board with the notion that political correctness has become a negative force?
  18. I view it as a dialectic, in other words a pendulum swinging back and forth through long stretches of time, but gradually slowing. Hyper-sensitivity among the collective consciousness is a response to the Hypo-sensitivity that preceded it. In time, maybe a few decades, the distaste for political correctness will probably lead to a society that's more tolerant of racially motivated ire, but to a lesser extent than the pre-Civil Rights America. And then a few decades from there, the pendulum will swing again to a lesser extreme than we see today. Theoretically, it would all reach a happy medium, but odds are that some terrible crisis will through a wrench into the machine before that can happen.
  19. Immediate impact, as in Week 1? I predict that Gilmore and Glenn will be starters. Glenn will be serviceable, while Gilmore will get taken to the watershed a couple times as new CBs tend to do.
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