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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. If any dog lovers aren't openly weeping after this, I'm impressed.
  2. Curious about this. He seems like a consummate gentleman and professional to me. Granted, it would be fun to see some underdogs actually win a grand slam.
  3. I feel compelled to step in. Not once did tgreg defend or even so much as comment on the twitter content. Your "If I say it enough times, it's true" strategy of painting him as anti-American is just wrong. Granted, he started it this time...but really, this is all unnecessary.
  4. We'll see. It's evident that I'm not going to change your mind, but to me he seems like a wilting lily in all the big moments. Of course, in typical Bills fashion he'll finally have a decent season then accept $100 million from another team.
  5. This again? I mean, sure, he's got talent. In fact, he had enough talent to redefine the position. But how many years do we have to sit around waiting for it to happen? Nothing between that guy's ears.
  6. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/171543-ron-perlman-puts-on-the-hellboy-make-up-again
  7. He's "mentioned in the same breath" as Peters because that's who he's replacing for the 2nd time. It's a relevant piece of information. http://www.philadelphiaeagles.com/news/article-1/Eagles-Fortify-Tackle-Spot-With-Bell/0ea3f634-a34b-4e2d-96ab-27331d794098 And the way that article is worded, it seems as though Bell changed his name back to what it says on his birth certificate. At least, that's the impression I get.
  8. Not only talking about the people linked to in this thread, but I see this sentiment a lot. Where's the line between hating America and wanting to change it?
  9. The traditional 4th of July drinking schedule... Johnny Walker [Red], [White] Wine, and [blue] Moon
  10. I guess I don't personally identify with being proud of any inherent quality. But I know plenty of people who are proud of their heritage, for example. Irish American guys running around in their leprechaun costumes on St. Patty's Day don't (typically) hurt anybody. Of course, they didn't do anything to make their grandparents Irish. They were born with it. It doesn't have to be logical.
  11. The line should be wherever other people are egregiously harmed by the behavior. Gay marriage doesn't qualify, neither does consensual sodomy.
  12. Which one of our sarcasm meters is broken? For the record, I was just trying to make a joke on the "pride in blue eyes" thing.
  13. Seems reasonable. And yet, we're not great at empathy when it comes to stuff on the road. I've accidentally cut people off a couple times, but when it happens to me I don't say "Oh, I've done that before, it's ok, I hope that guy has a nice day."
  14. I'm inclined to say yes, but it seems like something bad happened once when people were TOO proud of their blue eyes.
  15. Some people are criminals and inherently bad. And some people are raised by their parents and mentors with the message that homosexuals are threatening to the American way of life. You don't see how specific hatred gives way to crime? Not to hyperbolize, but doesn't national identity fall under your definition of exclusivity? I mean, we're human beings, we put labels on things. That's not going to stop. The goal isn't to stop noticing differences, it's to stop fearing them.
  16. If you want to be. "Pride" isn't some exclusive club that homosexuals are part of. Loads of people on this very board are vocally proud to be American, proud New Yorkers, proud Buffalonians, proud parents, etc. The word doesn't need to imply an accomplishment.
  17. Don't look in the box. There's a dead cat in there. Or a really pissed off cat.
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