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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I went with 1. They aren't that common, but I think if Miami starts trying out Tannehill we can shut them out once.
  2. Recap and thoughts on last night's premiere... http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/breaking-bad-recap-5-01-live-free-or-die/2450
  3. Season 5 begins tonight! Should there be a new thread or do we stick to this one? As many of you know, I operate an entertainment digest with my friend and we're happy to provide comprehensive coverage on Breaking Bad, so if it pleases the peanut gallery I'll be posting my weekly insights and episode reviews here. To start off, 10 burning questions for Season 5... Part 1 Part 2
  4. I see your point, I do. But... It's also important to bear in mind that being a professional athlete is NOT usually lucrative. The mean salary may be high, but not the median. These guys gamble quite a bit with their chosen professions. To take the bloated MLB salaries as an example - for every Alex Rodriguez with a ridiculous quarter billion dollar contract, there are 1,000 guys making $20,000 a year in the minors, trying to scrape by for their family on the road. Or how about the NFL, where for every Brees there are 100 reserve linemen making 1% of his salary over an average of 2.5 years in return for a lifetime of medical bills? So, put yourself in the shoes of one of the superstars. You are THE guy who overcame the odds to become marketable. And you're going to turn down a single cent of your new contract over some misbegotten principal on your profession's relative social value compared to a fireman? I think not. EDIT: I'm not using "you" to mean "Beerball", rather all the people who spit on these guys for their contracts.
  5. I remember thinking "I should check out that LOST show everybody is talking about" and going to abc.com. An indeterminate number of hours later, it's Season 4, my eyes are bloodshot and a robin is nesting her eggs in my beard.
  6. Just on average. A few tennis players aren't so great looking, some might as well be supermodels. Some gymnasts are hot too, others look to be about 13 years old.
  7. I personally wouldn't stop rooting for the Bills in such a case, especially if it's just the name that's changing. What's in a name? I haven't actually lived there for 6 years and my interest hasn't exactly waned. A relocation to Toronto or beyond, though, and I might have to shift the focus of my masochism to Cleveland. EDIT: I still don't think it's going to happen, though. I've yet to see something more substantial than "Based on my limited understanding of the markets involved, it seems sorta logical."
  8. Putting aside how !@#$ed up of a person the girl is, let's talk about this Kurtz guy...he committed a murder for HER? Yeah, she feels so guilty that she wants to avoid prison on a technicality.
  9. If Jackson and Spiller are a duel threat, they have no business together on this team. That's a dangerous antiquated tradition and it has no business in the modern NFL.
  10. People on this board have regularly "slammed" guys like Chris Kelsay, Donte Whitner, Aaron Maybin and Josh Reed without provocation. Reed comes across as a bit of a jerk here, but how many of us here really have the right to a high horse?
  11. Agreed. A distant #2 is "There is no holding on the play. The defender was simply overpowered."
  12. You mean there was actually something worth watching at the all star game? That's a nice change of pace.
  13. I was watching a Yankees game with my teacher friend the other day. Derek Jeter had gone 0-5 and he said something along the lines of "So he gets $20 million a year to strike out and I get $34,000 to educate America's youth?". I said, "When 50,000 people pay to watch you teach every day, you can have $20 million". Obviously just ribbing him, but people don't seem to understand that salaries are mostly to do with scarcity.
  14. Well, that's because you're allowed to use the handicapped bathroom due to your leg injury. You should see the normal stalls.
  15. I can't stand the political banter on CNN, Fox News, etc. and I find Sorkin's writing exhaustive. From what you guys have said, doesn't sound like the show for me. Plus I don't get HBO.
  16. The general aesthetic is very nice - uncrowded and easy to read. Most sports message boards are littered with image macros.
  17. Ok, so because of all of this, he shouldn't be in a Home Run Derby? I'm not following the logic.
  18. Completely agree. Floyd can't exactly be labelled 'lazy' for skipping such a thing, as most other NFL players aren't doing organized workouts right now. But when Fitzgerald calls you out, he has his reasons.
  19. My review for The Amazing Spiderman... http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/the-amazing-spiderman-review-reviewsday-tuesday/2357
  20. Ok, so it's 4 different versions of Ralph Wilson's face. In the first one, he's grinning from ear to ear after the Bills crush the Raiders in the AFC Championship. The next face is a mixture of disappointed and distraught, following Wide Right. The third one, utter frustration - Trent Edwards finally seemed like the quarterback of the future and now he sucks too. The fourth one is in the throes of a toe-curling orgasm.
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