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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I usually agree with you on this stuff, zepp, but to me this smacks of idolatry toward Walt's new persona. And I really don't think that was Gilligan's intent. Walt's activity, especially that under the guise of Heisenberg (and the lines are blurred now) certainly isn't admirable.
  2. I can't decide what's more disgusting, the clear agenda or the fact that one of America's oldest broadcasting giants doesn't bother with fact checking anymore.
  3. Marilyn Manson's Rolling Stone article about the scapegoat mentality in light of the Columbine shootings rings true today I don't agree with everything he says, but the media are still a bunch of vultures who facilitate our seeming instinct to play the blame game. Except he made specific reference to "you all", presumably the liberals on PPP who had made no such comment. The whole thing reeked of his hostile me-against-the-world shtick.
  4. Well, I haven't made a single post relating the TEA Party to violence, so if he was mocking me he was barking up the wrong tree. In this particular case I'd say that fear of a copycat is far from illogical, especially give the film's subject matter (and its predecessor's). That said, I'm still going tonight.
  5. I can't even fathom another interpretation of your post. Jokingly put or not, your first reaction to all of this is that the damn liberals are going to politicize it. And hey, maybe they will, but you beat them to the punch.
  6. Well I'm glad that you were able to make yourself feel like the victim here. Sheesh. One wonders what his crazed agenda was, if he was even sane enough to have one. Poor people just wanted to enjoy a movie and they stumble into a terrorist attack. Carpe diem, folks.
  7. Was she being a B word before the show started? Being in such a pressure cooker (husband has cancer, disappears for long intervals, fugue state, then you find out he's freaking meth producer) will bring out the worst in people.
  8. Katy Perry sucks, but she has nothing on these guys.
  9. I don't make brain farts. That was simply a Non-intentional Homophone Insertion.
  10. Yes, except for Jim Parsons. It's just a lazy show. Everything is derivative, especially the insipid "Will they or won't they?" thing.
  11. That term usually isn't tossed around until a team wins 3 championships in a short span...Vick couldn't even wait until they proved themselves worthy to take 2nd place in the NFC East.
  12. Damn, I don't have to face the typo police often.
  13. I got hit in the throat by a golf ball. Some idiot underestimated his driver by about 50 yards and didn't even yell FORE. One thing I've always wondered...what's the closest I ever came do dying and I wasn't even aware of it?
  14. It's not just here. Everybody whines about how Skyler is a cheater, but seem to forgive Walt for putting his family's life in jeopardy (including his infant daughter) every single day. I personally like/dislike characters based on how well they're played. Skyler is meant to be grating, I believe, but some people can't seem to separate her from Anna Gunn. Like this.
  15. Michael Scott's farewell episode should have been the series finale - part of making a great thing is knowing when to quit.
  16. I'd say that the definition of loyalty is sticking by a friend who wasn't loyal to you. Now, there's such a thing as a toxic friendship, but people are not perfect.
  17. Ah, come on. Marie is great. She really didn't have your guys' sympathy when dealing with Hank last season? I think Betsy Brandt does an awesome job with a character that honestly doesn't get enough attention from the writers.
  18. I would sodomize 22 sweaty cole miners for her phone number.
  19. Well, hey, people in LA might be twice as likely to kill you but they'll say "hello".
  20. Call me a cynic, but I've basically observed three types of married couples. 1. They truly love (and more importantly, don't annoy the hell out of) each other and they stay together happily. 2. They grow apart and want to end it, but respect their promise and stick it out unhappily. 3. They grow apart and decide to end things. #1 is reserved for the lucky few. #2 used to be more prevalent, especially in the Catholic tradition, but has given way to #3 in modern times. People also get married for the wrong damn reasons. I'm 23, so a lot of my friends are getting engaged. "Oh my God, we've only been dating for 3 months but we're TOTALLY into the same movies and we both loooooove The Arcade Fire!"
  21. Every burgeoning celebrity should take a page out of the Derek Jeter playbook. Unless having a family is your #1 priority in life, just don't get married. Sew those wild oats. Jeet's plowed a murderer's row of the most beautiful women in the world and nobody thinks he's a cretin or a loser because he doesn't have 5 divorces or a track record of infidelity.
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