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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Well, that escalated quickly. I'm on board with wanting to see collegians...but national disgrace? Every country that has NBA players uses them.
  2. Agreed. It doesn't need to be expected, per se, but if Walt isn't punished in some way then it's a cop out. He's too far over the edge to just take his money and get out of Dodge. Most people expect Walt to die, but I think it's very possible we see prison bars closing on him instead. For a guy like Walt, what could be worse than life behind bars? Or maybe his kids die.
  3. I think Jesse's transformation might be even more dangerous than his own Heisenberg. Walt has teetered off the edge of morality. When Jesse is under the gun, he teeters on the edge of sanity.
  4. ...is this guy the biggest badass in history? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Thurel EDIT: Whoops, wrong board. Please move.
  5. Over the course of my life, Simon and Garfunkel. Over the course of my adult life, Queen. Over the course of the last year, Warren Zevon.
  6. Thanks for reading. I think you're right...Walt may not be Gus Fring, but he's still a guy right now whose cross hairs you don't want to be in. Mike certainly knows Walt is a snake in the grass, but he underestimates the depth of his cunning and resourcefulness. And then you have Jesse caught in the middle, who both guys are fond of.
  7. Where have you gone, Dorin Dickerson? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Oo oo oo. What's that ya say, Mr. Buddy Nix? 'Dozer Dorin's left and gone away. Hey hey hey. Hey hey hey.
  8. I think it's fear of Walt mixed with her experience seeing Ted in the hospital. Skyler was fine when her involvement was just laundering money, but once she "saw how the sausage was made", so to speak, it freaked her out. Seems like she's going through PTSD.
  9. My thoughts on last night's episode, "Hazard Pay". http://www.entertainment-bureau.com/breaking-bad-review-episode-5-03-hazard-pay-2/2685
  10. Can be negatively spun as cockiness, positively spun as conviction. Depends which side you're on.
  11. Oh geeze, I wish. A short play festival in Ithaca is a few (hundred) steps away from big head territory, but it's a start. And I wouldn't ever presume to lose my status as an idiot.
  12. The director and I have known one another for a couple years, so I trust him to carry it out. Then again, any director worth his salt thinks that stage directions are just polite suggestions by the writer, so we'll see how close the finished product is to how I envisioned it!
  13. As many of you know I fancy myself a writer. As much as I love it, it's a discipline fraught with rejection and frustration. Since 2007, I've been submitting various types of work to magazines, journals, festivals, etc. with no luck. So you can imagine my excitement when not one, but TWO, of my short plays have been selected for full production in the last month. I'll be receiving nothing but production stipends as a consultant to the director, so if you want to not qualify this as a first "professional" experience, that's fair. But damn does it feel good to finally be recognized. EDIT: By the way, one of the plays was greatly helped by those of you who PM'd me with critiques. I can't thank you enough, really.
  14. No reason to believe that the offense will take a step back from last year, IMO. And last year they were average at worst.
  15. Simple enough solution. Find a source for NFL information that's more objective and focused on the actual game. http://footballoutsiders.com/
  16. Dane Cook should leave that to The Onion. They've earned the right, he hasn't.
  17. Thanks to TheKickIsGood, I know all the guys' numbers from the pictures without even thinking about it haha.
  18. More accurately, he got fired for saying it to one of their precious Red Sox.
  19. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/07/26/florida-man-kills-door-to-door-salesman-i%E2%80%99ll-kill-anybody-that-steps-on-my-property/#.UBIHQtV334E.reddit Guy shouldn't have ignored the signs, but what a needless loss of life. Appreciate life while ya got it, folks.
  20. Fair enough, I don't know your league. In mine, a couple QBs go but it's generally a mad dash to the RBs.
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