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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. You know as well as I do what kind of hellfire I'm in for if Ennifer finds out. Don't be a stool pigeon, huh?
  2. You know what's awesome? Finally looking at a depth chart and not saying, "Damn, we're screwed if anybody gets hurt." Except maybe WR...still rather tenuous there.
  3. As long as they don't fill it with shameless product placement...
  4. Absolutely. My current girlfriend - the first question I asked her was "So, what's your name?". The second was "What's your favorite position?". Women get titillated by talk, whereas men are more visual. Broaching the subject without fear often leads to a positive reaction.
  5. Tough love time. You're buying into the already pervasive attitude that women owe men sex for displaying kindness. Attraction isn't something you attain through deeds. Attraction doesn't follow logic or old tales of chivalry. Look...you openly state that you want to 'get laid'. That's your motivating factor. Not being a nice guy. If you had the confidence to do what the "jerks" do, you wouldn't be complaining about them. And what makes them jerks, exactly? A willingness to state what they want and take it? Think about it. Give this a spin. Next time you're with a girl and there's some rapport, say the following (preferably whisper it into her ear). "We're not going to have sex tonight because, frankly, you haven't earned it yet. But I feel compelled to warn you...the first time we !@#$, it may intimidate you. Because I'm a man. And I know how to do things." Then you walk away. If she doesn't text you later that night to come over, it's because she already took care of herself.
  6. Given that there's only one aspect of Buffalo life that really concerns me anymore, I'd say I get my Buffalo news from this site.
  7. ...but they sure are trying. Remembering the Bachmann flap, it seems that their publication's claim to fame is taking unflattering photos and turning them into cover shots. I guess that's a niche in the market?
  8. If Roosevelt performs well this season, he better get a new deal. And it better be a square deal.
  9. I like, "I lost my phone number. Can I have a handjob in the bathroom?"
  10. And you can argue that humans are innately responsible to them. As far as I know, domesticated animals are the only example of one species selectively breeding another.
  11. And yet, small children are no more responsible for "making the bed" of society than dogs are. Never met a kindergartener who oppressed anyone.
  12. I root pretty openly for Corey. I still feel bad for when he took the fall for me outside that old lady's house.
  13. Interesting question. Oddly, it seems that we're more horrified about human misery in the abstract. I can remember being sick to my stomach thinking about the people of Haiti crushed under their buildings. But when it came to watching the actual coverage, I was closer to just...interested.
  14. I come from a long line of sparrows, so yes.
  15. Ok, but he would need to outplay him by a LOT. You don't just say, "Ok, well we've got this 13 year vet with an 81% success rate, but the new kid had a better training camp so we're going in that direction." Past results count. Known commodities are valuable in a sport with so many moving parts.
  16. You need to focus your argument. Your most recent claim regards QB Rating. Ok, let's go with that. Fitz' career rating is 75. Last year, 79.1. Unspectacular, but improving. Vince Young? 74.4 career rating. Pitiful 60.8 last year. But we should go with Young, right? Because he's a sloppy ho instead of a mediocre looking prude...or something?
  17. How would Whitner be remembered had he been a 3rd rounder? Probably rather fondly.
  18. Some teams have made a habit of retaining a reliable veteran kicker with another guy who handles kickoffs (and in some cases, longer FGs). It's an option here, I would say. Lindell had 0 from beyond 50 last season.
  19. Scott Turow is definitely being vetted for the #1 spot, so I'd say he'll win.
  20. Unlike pro sports leagues, the Olympics have nothing to do with parity IMO. If the other teams get crushed, they get crushed. It's our best vs. their best. The Chinese dominate diving, South Koreans dominate speed skating, Kenyans dominate long distance running. I don't see any of those nations evening the playing field by sending their "B" teams.
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