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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. As I understand it, the main board is designated as an NFL forum at large.
  2. Against a real team. I guess the question lies in how much merit belongs to pure athleticism and how much to specialized skills.
  3. Funny thing is, if the 32 NFL teams were run in a vacuum this sort of deal might actually happen. But with the owners' and the fans' expectations involved, whichever team came out worse in 2 years' time would be fired.
  4. There's always more scrutiny for the deal you DO make than the one you don't. The combination of Mario, Dareus and Fred/Stevie might very well have better real value than Luck, but the importance of QBs is so highly regarded that their front office would never live it down absent of a Superbowl.
  5. The pro: Potentially put yourself in playoff contention for the next decade. The con: Set your defense back to square one. It'd be worth it.
  6. Here's Aaron Paul's tragicomic appearance on The Price is Right.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB4Lz0Wb0MI
  7. In that case I'll pit my 53 Maurice Jones Drews against your 53 Darren Sproles.
  8. I like the thought from a football standpoint, but that would not be a safe city for women.
  9. None of us are in the locker room, but I believe that Levitre led by example on the field. Except when he had to play center and had difficulty snapping, Levitre was one guy who excelled during both feast and famine. That said, I agree that his extension doesn't need to come now. In fact I'd be surprised if Buddy hasn't already pulled Levitre and Byrd aside to say "We want you to be Bills for a long time. Just hold tight and you'll be taken care of."
  10. Gotta play defense too. How about Antonio Gates? Assuming you operate your team w/o much of a passing attack, only CB and DT would be liabilities.
  11. Certain of these soccer moms seem to trump everybody else in douchiness. Something about her tone of voice tells me that she's not stupid to the point where she thinks this was a legitimate emergency...she's simply arrogant enough to think the entire world should care.
  12. You get to make an NFL team out of 53 clones of the same NFL player (past or current). Who do you pick? EDIT: Also, if you have X's and O's knowledge of the game, explain the strategy by which your team would try to win.
  13. If that's just how the NFL works, then why are guys like Dwan Edwards and Spencer Johnson, or anybody with a mid-level veteran contract even in the league? Your statement subsists on the thought that there are only "special" and "non-special" players. As if the only difference between Spencer Johnson and some dude from the practice squad is their contract. What happens if KW gets injured (or just on a game-by-game basis when he needs a spell) and suddenly your DT is the worst player on the field? Younger and cheaper is better if you KNOW that player can approximate the value of his predecessor. Who's that guy for the Bills?
  14. After the 50 million players the Bills have sent to the I.R. over the past 3 or so years, it baffles me how anybody can advocate cutting important depth.
  15. Who'd win in a race between Tebow and Mario? Maybe Tebow by a step, but we have one of the few edge rushers who can't simply be abused to the outside by such a player.
  16. From the comfort of my couch with good friends, good beer and very bad queso dip.
  17. Or so they say. Are seasons defined now by thematic elements rather than simply hiatuses?
  18. Hey guys. It's been more than 3 years and I just wanted to stop by to say I'm still winning. But good try though, everyone.
  19. Too bad. And specifically to PTR, sorry for the news.
  20. When Dylan is on the job (hell, when he's just hanging out) he probably gets that 5 times per day at a minimum. There's only so much "Oh, it's so great to hear from my fans!" that a person can muster before getting annoyed. That said, a simple "Thanks, kid. How about a Coke?" wouldn't have been difficult.
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