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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. If the seed of an idea plants itself firmly, it can change your life. I believe that.
  2. Yeah man, if you think Big Ben raped anybody you're either a eunuch or your Dad's not a strong guy.
  3. My...err...recommendation (!) is that somebody just tells Kevin how to cook venison before the syntax becomes too puzzling.
  4. I'd estimate its demoralizing in the short run and a neat story to tell your kids in the long run.
  5. On a side note, it's good to hear about Hixon who seems to be relieved of the guilt after all this time. He might have the chance to thrive with the Giants this year with Manningham gone.
  6. ??? In the OP you state that we should all just be equal Americans. Yet, you earlier single out white heterosexuals as the "Normal hardworking Americans".
  7. Yeah, I mean, why should the gays and blacks have so much sway when we normals are the majority?
  8. Neat factoid: The titles of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 13th episodes of Season 2 (these are the episodes which begin with the teddy bear) spell out "737 Down Over ABQ".
  9. Mad Men's a great show with a great aesthetic. But compared to Breaking Bad, it's a soap opera of a story. In my opinion!
  10. Oh God, why was I drinking coffee while watching that??
  11. It's a technique known as "en media res", where the audience is dropped into an unfamiliar scenario and then zapped back until a point where it can be explained. A more manageable example would be the series pilot where the RV is zipping through the desert with no explanation and pair of khakis goes flying. So, no the fake ID has yet to be explained.
  12. She's also been photoshopped. Poorly. Or else she had surgery to remove half of her left thigh.
  13. To use zepp's terminology, what a herpetic lesion on an otherwise beautiful woman. That scene was the show's nadir.
  14. It's only hypocrisy if the specific Bills' fans criticizing the Browns' fans have blasted Ralph. I, for one, have not.
  15. What a terrible mother. Those ducklings should be placed into protective custody.
  16. Absolutely. There are people (murderers, rapists, etc.) who earn derisive comments upon their deaths. A man who did what he wanted with his own GD football team isn't in that category. Those comments are shameful. RIP
  17. I mean, Colbert must feel like he stumbled on a gold mine there. Usually he has to wring every last drop of comedy out of those interviews. This time she did all the work for him!
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