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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Right, but the point is that there are maybe...what?...1 or 2 guys on this board that would survive a professional football play with their knees intact. So for us to call ANY of them a wimp is laughable to me.
  2. My favorite is how he's supposedly a wimp. Ok, maybe on a scale of NFL players, but I'd like to see anybody on this board take a hit from a linebacker and be back on their feet within a week.
  3. It's not surprising to me. Despite a...precarious?...QB situation, we dominate the line of scrimmage.
  4. For me anyway, it was the absurdity of the trolling. Most of the trolls around here are of the "DURRRR PICKSPATRICK DURRR" variety. Crayonz railed against Canadians, blamed weed for all the worlds' problems, had a secret cabal of gerbils that performed his bidding (or something). The Jimmy Spags stuff was over the top though, and it frustrated me when he decided to drop the persona and get all sanctimonious once a serious topic came to light.
  5. The Hypnotoad is Dead. Long Live the Hypnotoad!
  6. Weirdly enough, ESPN's live tracker got mixed up in the 4th quarter last week and credited Cory Mac with 3 consecutive complete passes, instead of Fitz. Some idiot probably saw that and failed to assume it was incorrect.
  7. George Wilson is a class act and a professional gentleman of leisure. I swear, building your team around late round picks and UDFA's isn't what you'd call "savvy", but a beneficial side effect is that the Bills are filled to the brim with starters who simply appreciate the chance to play in the NFL.
  8. We held the opponent QB to 5.5 yards per attempt... ...is what I would say to someone who isn't a known troll. Weren't you off to root for another team or something?
  9. In this particular case, it served to save us a timeout. But yes, that was puzzling as well.
  10. Between the refs and announcers (I have another rant saved for Steve Beuerlein, but that's for a different day) how freaking thick must you be to think that was a fumble? It's grade school science, so I'll explain very simply just in case there are any referees who read this board. The ball was in Fitz' hand, which is connected to his arm. The arm went forward. The ball proceeded to go forward. THEREFORE, Fitz' arm propelled the ball forward. Therefore, a forward pass. This could not be simpler and they got it wrong. People make mistakes, but to reverse that call after a good 3 minutes of looking at it takes sheer ignorance and stupidity. "His hand was empty". What? Unless the NFL rule book states "The quarterback's hand must be filled with football at the apex of his delivery" (hint: it doesn't) the explanation was irrelevant. And all the while, tweedle dum in the announcer booth was patting himself on the back for being right. Congrats, dude. You're on the same wavelength of intellectual ignominy as the refs. /rant But good win!
  11. I think it's mostly this. And it upsets me too, but Choice went on to average 4.5 YPC against a rather stout defense. If the O-line keeps making holes, there will be somebody to run through them.
  12. We've all seen past Bills teams fold like a pair of deuces upon adversity. After the Spiller injury, terrible "fumble" call, futility on 3rd down, and a couple nice drives by Weeden, it seemed as if the worm was turning. But the entire team (D-line especially) stepped up. They got pressure on the QB, made Richardson look like the rookie he is and patched together a long drive at the best possible time. Props to all of them. Nobody had a noticeably bad game.
  13. I think that a lot of fans don't fully grasp the risk vs. reward nature of a blitz. You always sacrifice a measure of coverage.
  14. Rule of thumb is not to blitz if you don't need to. We've sacked the QB nine times over the last two games using a standard 4-man rush (primarily...Sheppard got one on a blitz package).
  15. Every time I looked at Levitre on a running play, he had made it to the second level. This is looking like a stud O-line.
  16. Choice certainly had holes to run through. Mind you, the pass protection might be even more impressive. Three games. Zero sacks.
  17. Well! I'm far too stoic for something silly like having fun.
  18. Not to be a snot (well, too much of a snot ) but, why? There was probably some pimple faced intern in charge of the cues who didn't understand that the show was allowed to go 15 minutes long. And even if it was the festival being douches, performers play by the rules of the venue. Not the other way around. It's easy to throw a hissy fit when you have a big enough name for said hissy fit to not cripple your chances of landing another gig.
  19. You might want to rethink this. Do you want your first date with this girl to end with you in a heap on the floor after Phil Dawson kicks a 61 yard game winning field goal?
  20. Yeah man, silly Jets...it's almost like they're trying to get their athletes to be in peak condition or something! Idiots.
  21. Stupid rant. Football results aren't ever worth getting that worked up over. There is truly horrible stuff in the world if you feel the need to be that angry.
  22. You might "know", but she certainly doesn't. What's the point of a relationship where one person is willing to move heaven and earth and the other person isn't? That doesn't spell long term happiness for the pursuer.
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